Door and Frame Price Protection

The Door and Frame Price Protection feature helps users manage door and frame project costs which are price protected when a new price book has been released. 

This new feature provides an interface for users to designate if the project is price protected and allows for users to direct the system to hold the previously pricing Net Costs, which is accomplished by automatically assigning ‘Net Cost’ to ‘Adj Cost’. Additionally, the system will automatically calculate a discount factor for each applicable manufacturer and cost group, which when applied to the new price book list price, will approximate the same Net Cost was calculated the last time the Pricing Window was saved. This new calculated discount factor will be saved in the Quoted Concession Discount window and will, as a normal course of cost calculations, be applied any new material subsequently added to the project.

The following is an example to show the new interface windows and existing window changes.

The screen shot below shows a project Component Costing window prior to applying the new catalog price book. Note the costs for the first two Steelcraft metal doors and lite kit.  This example will reflect these products changing list prices reflect in the new catalog price book.

 Pricing & Contract for Detailing Project window

When opening the Project Pricing window, the system detects the first time the window has been opened since a catalog price book update was applied and presents the user with the following window. 

If the project is not price protected, simply click OK to continue with the normal costing process.

PLEASE MAKE NOTE THAT THIS WINDOW WILL ONLY BE PRESENTED ONCE IF THE ‘OK’ IS CLICKED (Clicking the Cancel button does allow the user to quit and they will be prompted again the next time this project pricing window is opened).


If the project is price protected, choose ‘Yes’ from the drop-down list column ‘Is Price Protected’ for the applicable Product Categories. By choosing ‘Yes’, the system will automatically populate the ‘Quoted Concession Discount’ with the value shown in the ‘Calculated Discount’ column.

If ‘Yes’ is selected for ‘Is Price Protected’, the user has the option of choosing to ‘Move Net to Adjusted Cost’. If Yes is selected, the system will automatically retain the last saved Net Cost by moving the previous saved Net Cost to the ‘Adj Cost’ column in the Component Costing window (The system will NOT override any existing user entered ‘Adj Cost’ from previous costing work).

New Pricebook Selection for Door and Frame manufacturers window; shows the columns the user must fill out. The columsn are Is Price Protected? and Move Net To Adjusted Cost?

In the example below, the user has selected Yes for both price protection and move net to adjusted cost.

By responding ‘Yes’ to price protected, the system will automatically populate the ‘Quoted Concession Discount’ window with the system calculated discount.

By responding to Yes to the Move Net to Adj Cost, the system will move the Net Cost from the last pricing performed (that is, prior to new price book update), to the Adj Cost column.

New Pricebook Selection for Door and Frame manufacturers window; shows filled out Is Price Protected? column and Move Net To Adjusted Cost? column.

The following screen shot shows the Component Costing window with the ‘Adj Cost’ column populated with the ‘Net Cost’ for the Steelcraft product.

Pricing & Contract for Detailing window; shows the Adjusted Cost column which shows the adjusted cost  from the last pricing.

Note that after the Costing window is displayed, the Total Cost remains as before (see example screen shot earlier in this document) at $3,192.22 despite the List Prices now reflect the newly updated price book for Steelcraft (See first two metal doors have changed list price from $700.00 to $740.00, lite kit list price has changed from $55.00 to $61.00).

The following screen shot shows the Quoted Concession Discount window populated with the system calculated discount.

 Project Discounts window; shows the discount structure column.

When new product is subsequently added to the project, the ‘Disc String’ will be populated with the system calculated Concession Discount for the applicable cost group as demonstrated in the following screen shot.

Pricing & Contract for Detailing window; shows the Discount String column reflecting the system calculated discounts.

A new tool bar item has been added to show price book versions being utilized as shown in the two screen shot examples below.

Pricing window toolbar; shows location of Price Book Version icon.


Pricebook Selection window


Regarding Elevation costing, when opening the Elevation Costing for the first time after a catalog update and where the user has designated the project as 'Price Protected', the 'Std Discount String' will be populated with the system calculated discount factor.  PLEASE NOTE: at this time, click the 'Material List' tool bar item in order to load the new price book list prices.  Once this is done, you will find that the re-calculated Net Cost (Current price book list price less the system calculated discount factor) will approximate the previous cost prior to the price book update.

Elevation costing window; shows the location of Material List ione and the system calculated discounts.



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