Receiving a Refund or Credit for a Deposit on a Purchase Order

How to: Receive a refund or credit for a deposit on a purchase order where some or all products have not been received.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

Before Handling the Unused Supplier Deposit

Before processing the credit or refund on the unused deposit, you must Unsource the Purchase Order. After you unsource the purchase order you can proceed with Receiving Credit for the Supplier Deposit or Receiving a Refund for the Supplier Deposit.

Creating a New Payable for Purchase Order

Receiving credit or a refund from the supplier requires creating a new payable for purchase order.

In the Payable window:

  1. Click New
  2. Click For Purchase Order
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the pathway to new payable for a purchase order.
Image 1: For Purchase Order Button
  1. Select the purchase order
  2. Click OK

You now have a new payable and can proceed with the process to Receive Credit for the Supplier Deposit or Receive a Refund for the Supplier Deposit.

Receiving Credit for the Supplier Deposit

In the Payable window:

  1. Create a New Payable for Purchase Order
  2. Enter the:
    • Invoice number
    • Invoice date
  3. Enter the credit amount as a negative value
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the invoice amount as a negative value.
Image 2: Credit Amount
  1. Press Tab

In the Note field:

  1. Enter a note detailing:
    • The Deposit Payable #
    • Purchase order #
    • Reason for the credit
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows an example Note.
Image 3: Credit Payable Note
  1. Click Save & Close

The deposit amount is now available as a credit for future purchases from this supplier.

Receiving a Refund for the Supplier Deposit

Unlike crediting the supplier deposit, receiving a deposit refund requires more than one transaction.

Distributing the Deposit Balance

In the Payable window:

  1. Create a New Payable for Purchase Order
  2. Enter the:
    • Invoice number
    • Invoice date
  3. Enter a note detailing:
    • The Deposit payable #
    • Purchase order #
    • Reason for the refund
  4. Click the Manual Account Distribution tab
  5. Select the division
  6. Select the CONTRA AR/AP account
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the division and CONTRA account selected in the Manual Account Distribution tab.
Image 4: Division & CONTRA Account
  1. Enter the refund amount as a positive value
  2. Enter a note detailing the reason for the refund
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the refund amount as a positive value and an example note on the line item in the Manual Account Distribution tab.
Image 5: Refund Amount & Note
  1. Click Save & Release

Depositing the Refund Check

After you receive the check refund, deposit the check against the Miscellaneous Cash Receipts

In the Bank Deposit window:

  1. Click New

In the Bank Account window:

  1. Select & Open the deposit bank account

In the Bank Deposit window:

  1. Click the Miscellaneous Cash Receipts tab
  2. Click the Find Account button
Click image to enlarge
Bank Deposit window; shows the Find Account button in the Miscellaneous Cash Receipts tab.
Image 6: Find Account Button
  1. Select & Open the CONTRA AR/AP account
Click image to enlarge
Find Account window; shows the selected CONTRA account and the location of the Open button.
Image 7: CONTRA Account & Open Button
  1. Enter the refund amount as a positive value
  2. Enter a note detailing the reason for the check
Click image to enlarge
Bank Deposit window; shows the refund amount as a positive value and an example note in the Miscellaneous Cash Receipts tab.
Image 8: Deposit Amount & Note
  1. Click Save & Close

The manual account distribution in the CONTRA AR/AP account is now reconciled.

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