Installation Feature


  1. The ‘Installation’ feature provides a quick means to estimate labor time and costs for installation labor on projects to support the bidding process and managing the ‘Installation’ work-flow. ‘Shop’ work orders and applicable documents identified by ‘Opening’, ‘Product’ and ‘Labor Operations’ provide the tools for directing specific required installation operations and a means to record actual time employed. This feature may be utilized for both ‘Pre-Install (in-House)’ and /or ‘On-site’ hardware application to the door.
  2. The first setup task is to establish distinct labor operations that will be associated with each category of hardware product. Each installation operation will include an Hourly Rate or Fixed rate and Standard Minutes per operation per product. Each operation may be further defined by door class (Metal, wood, etc. – See Advantage/Maintenance/ Miscellaneous Tables, Door Class window), single or paired opening and oversized opening height. Each operation is also assigned to a specific Section and Cost Group and each Section and Cost Group are assigned a specific ‘Shop Department’.
  3. The second setup task is to assign one or more operations to each product category. An operation will be assigned to each of the door classes, single/pair and/or oversized designation (These segregations by door class, single/pair and oversized are all optional and may vary between product categories).
  4. The final setup task is optional. This provides a means to set up typical non-product/opening related installation costs such as Travel Costs, Site Cleanup, etc.  These are set up in Advantage/Tools/System Administration/Division Window, bottom pane named ‘Installation Miscellaneous Costs’.  These costs will be automatically populated in the Pricing Window, Installation Worksheet for each project which is designated as ‘Installed’ (See project master setup, ‘Installed’ checkbox).
  5. With respect to change orders, Installation is handled quite different from normal change orders in that the Original project Installation Worksheet will always reflect the ‘As-built’ project product and quantities. The individual change order Installation Worksheets will still reflect the net changes of that change order. However, when the change order is sold, the Installation costs will be removed from the change order Miscellaneous and Pricing tabs  (leaving the Contract price intact and the Installation Worksheet details intact) and will be added to the Original Project.  

Setup examples

  1. Door Class:
    1. Utilizing the Maintenance\Miscellaneous Tables\Door Class window as shown below, enter a Door Class (Example MD to represent a metal door) and in the lower pane, right click and choose ‘Add’, this will present a window showing a list of manufacturers to select that relates to the door class above.

      Door Class Maintenance window.
  2. Non-Product related installation cost may be defined in the Tools\System Administration\Division Maintenance window (example below). In the bottom pane labeled ‘Installation Miscellaneous Cost:’  right click to add a row with applicable values (cost is optional)

    Division Maintenance window showing the location of the Installation Miscellaneous Cost pane.

  3. Division Installation Operations:
    1. Define installation labor operations and assign to product categories in the ‘Catalog Maint.\Division Installation Operations’ window. Utilize the toolbar copy icon to transfer window values to other divisions.
    2. For each division, enter desired installation operations in the ‘Operations’ tab as per the example below. For each operation, enter an Hourly Rate OR a Flat Rate and the standard minutes established for each operation. Enter a Section and Cost Group that is typical of how you would categorize and bid for installation work.

      Operations Tab of the Division Installation Operation Defaults window showing line items.

    3. In the ‘Product Category Assignment’ pane, select each applicable product category that is subject to installation and for each selection, define a value for each of the three segregation columns. The purpose of these segregation attributes is to allow the system to separate and quantify product on the basis of these values.  For example, if it takes longer to install a door that is higher than eight feet, then you will set up an installation operation for ‘Install Metal Door’ and an installation operation for ‘Install Oversized Door’ that will have different cost and time. Next, for the ‘MD- Metal Door’ product category,  you will need to set the ‘Oversize Demarcation’  to 95”. This will result in a separate line item in the installation estimating worksheet window based on the door height. (Note: Where door size is not applicable for any installation operation for the specific product category, enter a door height value of zero). If the product category installation is not reliant on door class or single/pair, then set those values to ‘No’.) For each Product Category, in the lower ‘Operations’ pane, enter the applicable installation operation(s).  The ‘Installed’ column is set to ‘No’ where the product will typically never be installed (for example Magnetic Locks which require a qualified installer.) The ‘Allow Multiple’ column defines product categories where only one labor operation will be assigned. For example, for Exit Devices, if there are two operations defined (one for  vertical rod and one for rim devices, you would set the ‘Allow Multiples’ to ‘No’ as only one of the operations will apply to a specific exit device.)

      Division Installation Operation Defualts window; shows the Allow Multiple field set to No

    4. Use the ‘Shop Department Assignment’ window to assign the various Section and Cost Groups to their applicable shop departments. This assignment will be used to auto-populate the ‘Shop Department’ in the sourcing window when sourcing to a work order.  

The Estimating/Detailing Process

  1. Where a project is being installed, in the Project Setup window (lower right), check the box labeled ‘Installed’. This will make the ‘Installation Worksheet’ pane visible in the pricing window.
  2. If there are any special installation conditions that warrant a deviation from the ‘Division Installation Operations’, those changes may be made in the Estimating (or Detailing)\‘Project Installation Operation’ window specific to that project. (If the Division Installation Operations have changed since the project has been set up and this project requires those changes, use the toolbar ‘copy’ icon to refresh the values from the division.)
  3. In the ‘Pricing’ window, the ‘Installation Worksheet’ pane will be populated with a line item for each product and segregated by Door Class, Single/Pair and Oversized according to how the Installation Operations have been defined.
    1. If the systems finds product for a product category for which has not been referenced in the Installation Operations window, the user will be presented with a warning message.
    2. If there are specific openings that are NOT being installed, use the ‘Complete’ window toolbar item ‘Opening Phase Filter & Replace’ to set those openings to ‘Inst BYO' and/or check the ‘IBO’ flag for the specific product that is not being installed.
  4. The ‘Installation Operation’ may be changed from the system assigned operation by clicking the eclipse icon. User the right click option to:
    1. If an operation has been changed from the default installation operation, use the restore the default operation.
    2. Use the ‘Show associated openings’ to view the openings applicable to the operation.
    3. If the specific product is not being installed, use the ‘Mark as Not Installed’ option. This will set the ‘IBO’ flag for the application product for all openings.
  5. An ‘Adjusted Hourly’ rate and/or Adjusted Cost Per Operation may be entered by line item or by using the filter/replace feature.
  6. Totals are provided and the ‘Summary’ section in the lower section provides a dynamic summary for each Section & Cost group. The ‘Revised Cost’ column may be overwritten and the system will automatically apply pro-rated ‘Adjusted Cost Per Operation’ for each applicable line item. The ‘Summary’ section will also be automatically populated from the Division Master settings and costs may be changed to an appropriate value.
  7. When accessing the ‘Miscellaneous’’ tab, the Installation Summary line items will be displayed along with any other manually entered items.

    Installation Worksheet tab in the Pricing and Contract for Detailing Project window. 

Sourcing Installation

  1. Installation may be sourced to a Work Order or to a Purchase Order.
  2. There is no difference between sourcing a normal miscellaneous cost, other than you have the option to select specific openings and, in doing so, the system will calculate a sourced cost relevant to the selected openings.  

Work Order & PO reports

  1. The Work Order window has a toolbar print option for ‘Print Openings’ that has two report options (1) ‘Installation Openings’ which is a one-page report per opening

    Examples of Installation Openings report. 
  2. and (2) ‘Opening CheckList’ (Choose from the drop-down list in ‘Select a Report’ field.)

    Example of Opening Checklist report.


  • Note: The Opening Report and Opening checklist reports may be printed from the Enterprise Reports menu ‘Installation Openings’. If the project is NOT designated as ‘Installed’, these reports can still be run but of course, will not show any installation operations.
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