Replacing Product(s) Using the Product Change Wizard

How to: Replace Products in a Project Using the Product Change Wizard.

Environment: Comsense Advantage

In this article:

Understanding the Product Change Wizard

The Product Change Wizard lives in the Complete window and is a tool that can add, remove, or replace a product in more than one heading. This article only focuses on the Replace function of the Product Change Wizard.

The purpose of using the Product Change Wizard rather than a change order is to make product changes across many openings in a single process instead of making the same change on each heading individually.

We recommend using the Product Change Wizard for hardware modifications if the project has any change orders or sourced products, even if they are unrelated to the modification. If the product is sourced or on a change order, you must use the Product Change Wizard in a new Change Order rather than working in the base project.

Before Starting the Product Change Wizard

To complete the Product Change Wizard, you must know the:

  • Original product
    • Which product are you replacing?
  • New product
    • What product are you replacing the original with?
  • Scope of the change
    • Which headings are affected by this change?

Accessing the Product Change Wizard

In the Complete window, Click the Product Change icon and the Product Change Wizard will open.

Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the location of the Product Change wizard button and a zoomed in image of the Product Change wizard button.
Image 1: Product Change Button

Selecting the Wizard Operation

Step 1, The Welcome to the Product Wizard page, lists the operations the wizard can complete.

On the Welcome to Product Wizard page, Select Replace and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Product Change wizard, Step 1; shows the location of the Replace radio button and the Next button.
Image 2: Welcome to the Product Wizard Page

Selecting the Scope of the Change

Step 2, The Search Criteria Selection page, sets the scope of the change.


If the change affects all or most headings where the product is located, Select Product, Click Next, and Complete the Product Change Procedure by Product(s).

Click image to enlarge
Product Change wizard, Step 2; shows the location of the Product radio button and the Next button.
Image 3: Search Criteria Selection Page (Product)

Hardware Heading(s)

If the change only applies to a few headings, Select Hardware Heading, Click Next, and Complete the Product Change Wizard by Hardware Heading(s).

Click image to enlarge
Product Change wizard, Step 2; shows the location of the Hardware Heading radio button and the Next button.
Image 4: Search Criteria Selection Page (Hardware Heading)

Completing the Product Change Wizard by Product(s)

Step 3

Step 3, the Products to be Replaced page, lists all the products used in the project.

On the Products to be Replaced page, Select the product(s) you want to change by checking the product checkboxes and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Product Change wizard, Step 3; shows two selected products to replace and the location of the Next button.
Image 5: Product to Replace

Step 4

Step 4, the Products to Replace With page, lists all the products built in the project and allows you to build a new product.

On the Products to Replace With page, Select the product(s) to replace the product(s) selected in step 3 by checking the new product checkboxes and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Product Change wizard, Step 4; shows a selected replacement product and the location of the Next button.
Image 6: Product to Replace with

If the product is not listed, Click Build New Product to build the product.

Click image to enlarge
Product Change Wizard, Step 4; shows the location of the Build New Product button.
Image 7: Build New Product Button

Step 5

Step 5, the Hardware Headings to Work With page, lists all the headings from the project that have the selected product(s) from step 3. Only select the headings that this change applies to.

On the Hardware Headings to Work With page, Check the heading checkboxes and Click Next. The Product Change Wizard will complete the updates.

Click image to enlarge
Product Change Wizard, Step 5; shows the four selected headings to apply the change to and the location of the Next button.
Image 8: Selected Hardware Headings

Completing the Product Change Wizard by Hardware Heading(s)

Step 3

Step 3, the Headings to Work With page, lists all the headings from the project. Only select the headings that this change applies to.

On the Headings to Work With page, Select the headings by checking the product checkboxes and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Product Change wizard, Step 3; shows a selected hardware heading to change and the location of the Next button.
Image 9: Selected Hardware Heading

Step 4

Step 4, the Products to be Replaced page, lists all the products used on the heading(s) selected in step 3.

On the Products to be Replaced page, Select the product(s) to change by checking the product checkboxes and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Product Change wizard, Step 4; shows a selected product to replace from the hardware heading and the location of the Next button.
Image 10: Product to Replace

Step 5

Step 5, the Products to Replace With page, lists all the products built in the project and allows you to build a new product.

On the Products to Replace With page, Select the product(s) to replace the product(s) selected in step 4 by checking the new product checkboxes and Click Next. The Product Change Wizard will complete the updates.

Click image to enlarge
Product Change wizard, Step 5; shows the selected replacement product and the location of the Next button.
Image 11: Products to Replace with

If the product is not listed, Click Build New Product to build the product.

Click image to enlarge
Product Change wizard, Step 5; shows the location of the Build New Product button.
Image 12: Build New Product Button
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