How to: Transfer product from pool to stock or pool to garbage.
Environment: Comsense Enterprise
In this article:
Understand Product Transfers from Pool
The pool temporarily holds unsourced product(s) from a canceled order or product from a customer return. The product remains in the pool until you transfer the product to the final location. You must remove any unsourced or returned product from the pool by Supplier Return, Pool to Stock transfer, or Pool to Garbage transfer.
Access Pool Management
The Pool Management window can initiate both Pool Stock and Pool Garbage transfers. It is best to use the Pool Management window when dealing with the pool because you can complete multiple transfers in one window.
Go to Enterprise > Inventory/Purchasing > Pool Management.
Transfer Product from Pool
Select the Pool Product
- In the Pool Management window, click New Pool Stock or New Pool Garbage.
- In the Pool Selection window, Filter the pool products to display the appropriate product(s).
- Usually by Order Number or Suggested Disposition
- Check the Select rows.
- Click OK.
Transfer a Non-Stock Product from Pool to Stock
Note: In case of completing a pool to garbage transfer, proceed with Complete the Transfer.
Comsense allows you to transfer non-stock products from pool to stock. To transfer the non-stock product, you must group the product with a similar managed product.
- In the Pool Stock window, right-click on the Product line item.
- Click Add Managed Product.
- In the Warehouse Product Selection window, filter the Managed Product.
- Select the Managed Product line item.
- Click Add.
- Click OK.
Adjust the Unit Cost
Note: In case of completing a pool to garbage transfer, proceed with Complete the Transfer.
In the Pool Stock Transfer window, the Cost column shows the price of the product at the time of purchase. The Unit Cost column shows the product cost from the Managed Product window and will be the new value associated with the product after the transfer. In the image below, the unit cost is $89.72 more than the cost (the actual purchase price). The increased unit cost causes the next person using the product to deal with an additional.
You must update the Unit Cost column to match the Cost column before completing the transfer to maintain accurate product pricing.
- In the Pool Stock window, expand the product line item.
- Update the Unit Cost column to match the Cost column.
- Repeat steps 1-2 for each product.
Complete the Transfer
In the Pool Stock or Pool Garbage window, add any applicable notes and Click Save & Close.
The pool product is now in the stock or garbage.
Address FIFO Costing Issues
If you are experiencing issues with FIFO costing, Contact Support.
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