How to: Filter all orders from a customer using the Orders Management Wizard.
Purpose: Reproduce the data-pull from the former Orders Management window.
Environment: Comsense Enterprise v.
Procedure: The Orders Management Wizard allows you to pull a customized list of orders and/or projects using specific criteria rather than only pulling all orders from one customer. If you require a list of all orders by customer, pull the customer's orders using the procedure below.
In the Orders Management wizard:
- Check the Completed and Deleted Status checkboxes
- Click Next

In the filter line item:
- Enter the Customer Code or other applicable criteria

- Double-click the Customer Line item
- The customer will move to the Assigned pane
- Click Next

- Click Next

- Click Finish
The Orders Management window now only lists orders for the selected customer.

For more information on the Orders Management Wizard, see Orders Management Wizard.
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