Update: The application of default preps on a project.
Environment: Comsense Advantage v.
Purpose: The default preps update prevents the potential loss of manually configured preps from opening and saving the Default Preps window.
What's new:
Default Preps Behavior
The default preps update changes the behavior of default prep application. Default preps now only apply to doors and frames when you initially add them to the project whereas previously default preps applied every time you opened and closed the Default Preps window.
If you configure default preps after adding doors and frames to the project, you must manually apply the preps using the reapply preps button.
Reapplying default preps overwrites all existing preps in the project, including manually configured default preps that are not in the Default Preps window.
Workflow Best Practices
The Default Prep window update benefits from an update to your workflow. See Default Preps Best Practices for more information.
Loading Preps from History
The Loading Preps from History feature loads saved preps for commonly used hardware. The feature makes applying default preps to a project much faster. The updated Loading Preps from History window provides a clearer definition of the window function and criteria selection.

Loading Preps from History feature automatically starts the first time you load a manufacturer for a project. You can use the feature multiple times on the same project and manufacturer by Clicking the Load from History button.

*Note: If you select None and Overwrite Existing Default Preps in the Loading Preps from History window, the feature removes all default preps from the selected prep type (door/frame).
Reapply Preps Button
*WARNING: Use the reapply preps button carefully. The Reapply Preps button overwrites any manually assigned preps from the Complete or Heading Prep Review window.
The Reapply Preps button overwrites all preps for the specified manufacturer on all applicable openings in the project. When you reapply preps, any empty fields overwrite the prep fields in the project i.e. the empty fields overwrite any manually added preps.

Applying Default Preps from the Complete Window
Applying default preps from the Complete window is a new feature that allows you to add default preps to a new product or opening in a project that already has default preps and prep customizations. The system pulls and applies the default prep data to the selected opening without overwriting customizations on other openings, which would occur using the Reapply Preps button. The default preps are in addition to the preps that already exist on the opening i.e. the feature does not overwrite existing preps. See Applying Default Preps from the Complete Window for more information.
Managing the Pricing Requirements Warning
*Note: "New" means new to the project rather than new to the Opening.
The Pricing window checks that the you have loaded the door or frame manufacturers in the Default Preps window for the project. Any manufacturers you have not loaded in the Default Preps window prompt a pricing requirement warning.
The Pricing window prompts a review if you:
- Add a door or frame manufacturer on an opening with hardware assigned and do not load that manufacturer into the Default Preps window
- Add a new hardware item on a door or frame with the specified manufacturer after the most recent pricing update
- I.e. a new short code is created
- Add a new door or frame manufacturer to the project after the most recent pricing update
If you manually configure preps in the Complete window, you can bypass the pricing requirements warning by Clicking Yes. We always recommend Clicking No on the Pricing Requirements warning to prevent omissions in your project.
Clicking No
The No button closes the pricing window and tells the system you will clear the warning.

To clear the pricing requirements warning, run the default preps window for the door and frame manufacture(s) listed in the warning message.
Clicking Yes
The Yes button tells the software that you manually configured and reviewed the preps for the entire project.

If you click Yes, the Pricing window stops prompting the pricing requirement warning for those manufacturers for the rest of the project. Stopping the pricing requirement warnings allows you to continue processing your project through to selling it.
*Note: Always use caution when clicking Yes. The software will no longer prevent you from selling a project with no door or frame preps.
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