Report Name: Bid Proposal
Report Description: The Bid Proposal report details the bid price by section and bid total for project. The report is available in Estimating and Detailing.
Available for Submittal: No
Environment: Comsense Advantage (Version and later)
Video Tutorial: Advantage Bid Proposal Template
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In this article:
About Report Parameters
Report parameters customize the report format and certain text fields such as header notes and footer notes. Comsense's reporting features streamline report parameters but still maintain flexibility. These features include:
Report default settings auto-populate the report parameter fields in the Reports window. You can set report default settings in the Report Management window under the report settings. Any reports in a submittal use the report defaults from the Report Management window. You do not need to use the preset report defaults on each report you generate. You can update the pre-populated fields at the time of report generation.
Key fields auto-populate parameter fields using system data and can only be used in text fields. You can use Key Fields as report defaults or enter them at the time of report generation.
Bid Proposal Report Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Description | Field Type |
Report Header Note | Defines the header note that displays at the top of the report body rather than on the header of each page. | Text |
Report Footer Note | Defines the footer note that displays at the end of the entire report rather than on the footer of each page. Intended use is for Submitted By and Signature Line. | Text |
Show Section Notes | Shows project section notes under each section line item in the report. Project section note data is pulled from Project > Sections tab > Notes field. | Checkbox |
Terms and Conditions | Defines custom terms and conditions that display after the report contents. | Text |
Save Format | Defines the save file type e.g. Word, PDF, XPS, or Excel. | Drop-down List |
Page Size | Page size of the document e.g. Letter, Legal, or Ledger. | Drop-down List |
Left Margin | Defines the distance between the report body and the left page edge. | Drop-down List |
Top Margin | Defines the distance between the report body and the header. | Drop-down List |
Right Margin | Defines the distance between the report body and the right page edge. | Drop-down List |
Bottom Margin | Defines the distance between the report body and the footer. | Drop-down List |
Header Distance | Defines the distance between the top of the header field and the top page edge. | Drop-down List |
Footer Distance | Defines the distance between the bottom of the footer field and the bottom page edge. | Drop-down List |
Header Style | Defines the location of the page header text. See Header & Footer Styles for more details. | Drop-down List |
Footer Style | Defines the location of the page footer text. See Header & Footer Styles for more details. | Drop-down List |
Header Note |
Defines the header note that displays at the top of each page. *Note: The header note is currently broken on this report. |
Text |
Footer Note | Defines the footer note that displays at the bottom of each page. | Text |
Parameter Locations
Header & Footer Styles
The Bid Proposal report has one header style and two footer styles.
Header Styles
Header style 1 shows:
- The company name and company contact information in the left-hand header
- The customer contact information in the left-hand header of the first page only
- The report type, project name, and project location in the right-hand header
- The bid date, drawing date, and addenda in the right-hand header of the first page only
Footer Styles
Footer style 1 shows:
- The date and time of report generation in the left-hand footer
- The page number in the right-hand footer
Footer style 2 shows:
- The page number in the left-hand footer
- The time and date of report generation in the right-hand footer
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