Creating a Miscellaneous Payable

How to: Create a miscellaneous payable.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

About Miscellaneous Payables

Miscellaneous payables are payables for any purchase that is not on a purchase order. Miscellaneous payables can be used for:

  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Visa bills
  • Other expenses
  • Expenses related to an order 
  • Issuing check refunds
  • Correcting or adjusting incorrect transactions

The contents of a miscellaneous payable are not tied to control accounts and the amounts must be manually distributed to the appropriate general ledger account. The steps in this article outline the basic use of miscellaneous payables. Since miscellaneous payables can be used for multiple types of transactions, the payable information and steps may vary. If you ever need help creating your miscellaneous payable, Contact Support.

Accessing Payable

Enterprise > Payables > Payable

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows the location of Payables and Payable.

Creating a Miscellaneous Payable

Setting Up the Payable

In the Payable window:

  1. Click New
  2. Click Miscellaneous
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the location of the New menu in the top toolbar and the location of Miscellaneous.

In the Supplier field:

  1. Click the Magnifying Glass icon
    • The Find window will open
  2. Select the supplier
  3. Click Open
Click image to enlarge
Find window; shows a selected supplier and the location of the Open button.

In the Payable window:

  1. Enter the payable amount in the Invoice Amount field
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the location of the Invoice Amount field.
  1. Complete all other required fields:
    1. Invoice Number
    2. Invoice Date
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the location of the Invoice Number field and Invoice Date field.

Distributing the Payable Amount

You do not always need to complete each field on the manual account distribution line item. The information you include depends on purchase's relationship to a project or sales order in the system. You can either:

Purchase Unrelated to a Project or Sales Order

For all independent purchases (purchases unrelated to a project or sales order in the system), the miscellaneous account distribution line only requires you to fill our the Account field and the Amount field. All payables for purchases unrelated to a project or sales order should use a non-cost of sales account.

In the Manual Account Distribution tab:

  1. Click the Account button on the fillable line item
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the location of the Account button on the manual accouunt distribution line item.
  1. Select the appropriate GL account
  2. Click Open
Click image to enlarge
Find Account window; shows a selected General Ledger account that is not a cost of sales account and the location of the Open button.

In the Amount field:

  1. Enter the amount to apply from that account
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the location of the amount field on the manual account distribution line item.
  1. Complete steps 1-4 for each GL account included on this payable

Purchase Related to a Project or Sales Order

For any purchases related to a project or sales order, you must use a cost of sales account and include the order number and cost group.

In the Manual Account Distribution tab:

  1. Complete the steps in Purchase Unrelated to a Project or Sales Order using cost of sales account as the general ledger account
Click image to enlarge
Find Account window; shows a selected General Ledger account that is a cost of sales account and the location of the Open button.
  1. Click the Order Number button
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the location of the Order Number button on the manual account distribution line item.

In the Find window:

  1. Select the order
  2. Click Open
Click image to enlarge
Find window; shows a selected sales order and the location of the Open button.

In the Cost Group field:

  1. Select the appropriate cost group
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the Cost Group field drop-down list.

Saving & Releasing the Payable

Always review the fields carefully before releasing a payable. After a payable is released you cannot update any fields except for the Supplier and Remit To field. The Supplier and Remit to field cannot be updated after you include the payable in the check run.

In the Payable window:

  1. Click Save & Release
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the location of the Save & Release button in the top toolbar.

In the Verify Journal Date window:

  1. Select the appropriate date
  2. Click OK
Click image to enlarge
Verify Journal Date window; shows a date in the date field and the location of the OK button.
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