Shipping Product to a Customer

How to: Ship product to a customer.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

Shipment Window Statuses

Table 1: Shipment Statuses
Status Meaning
Open The product is sourced
Released The customer is ready for the shipment and the warehouse is picking the product
Shipped The product is ready to be shipped with the packing slip
Completed There is a signed packing slip confirming the receipt of all products

Accessing Shipments

If you create a new shipment through the Ready To Ship Management window, Stock Requisition window, or Work Order window, proceed with Step 4 of Sales Order Selection Page.

Enterprise > Shipping/Receiving > Shipment

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows the location of Shipping/Receiving and Shipment.

Creating a New Shipment

You can only create a new shipment for a sales order or project if the purchase order, stock requisition, and/or work order is complete.

In the Shipment window, Click New and Click Next in The Shipping Wizard.

Click image to enlarge
Shipping Wizard; shows the location of the Next button.

Completing the Shipment Wizard

Sales Order Selection Page

  1. Click the Magnifying Glass icon
Click image to enlarge
Shipment wizard, Sales Order Selection page; shows the location of the magnifying glass icon.
  1. Search & Select the project or sales order
  2. Click Open

If you are shipping an unapproved change order:

  1. Select the Unapproved Change Order
    • If you are not shipping an unapproved change order proceed with step 5
  2. Click Next

The project, change order, or sales order is now selected.

Selecting Unapproved Change Orders

There are security restrictions on shipping unapproved change orders. If you are shipping unapproved change orders, you must ship each change order in separate shipments. This security restriction promotes easier and more precise invoicing.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment wizard, Sales Order Selection page; shows the location of the Unapproved Change Orders pane.

Shipment Options Page

Ship to Customer

The Shipping wizard automatically selects the Ship To Customer radio button. Proceed with these steps if you are shipping directly to the customer.

In the Ship To Customer field, Ensure the correct Ship To Customer address and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment wizard, Shipment Options page; shows the location of the Ship To Customer field.

Ship to Storage

If you are storing the product for the customer:

  1. Select the Ship To Storage radio button
  2. Click ...
Click image to enlarge
Shipment wizard, Shipment Options page; shows the location of the Ship To Storage ellipses.
  1. Select the warehouse storage location
Click image to enlarge
Find Warehouse Location window; shows a selected ship to warehouse location.
  1. Click Open
  2. Click Next

*Note: The system allows invoicing for product in storage.

Ship From Storage

If the item is in storage and ready to ship to the customer:

  1. Check the Ship From Storage Checkbox
  2. Click ...
Click image to enlarge
Shipment wizard, Shipment Options page; shows the location of the Ship From Storage ellipses.png
  1. Select the storage warehouse
  2. Click Open
Click image to enlarge
Find Warehouse Location window; shows a selected Ship From warehouse location.
  1. Ensure the Ship To Customer address is correct
Click image to enlarge
Shipment wizard, Shipment Options page; shows the Ship To drop-down list.
  1. Click Next

Opening Selection Page

All ready to ship openings or line items are automatically in the Assigned pane.

Select the openings or sales order lines and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment wizard, Opening Selection page; shows openings selected in the Assigned pane and the location of the remove button.

Product Selection Page

All ready to ship product from the openings or sales order lines from the previous page are automatically in the Assigned pane.

Select the product to ship and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Shipping wizard, Product Selection page; shows product selected in the Assigned pane and the location of the Remove button.

Miscellaneous Selection Page

Miscellaneous selection can include delivery fees or storage fees specific to the customer, project, or product.

Select any miscellaneous line items and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Shipping wizard, Miscellaneous Selection page; shows selected line items in the Unassigned pane and the location of the Add button.

Releasing the Shipment

In the Delivery field:

  1. Select the delivery method
Click image to enlarge
Shipment window; shows the Delivery drop-down list.

When you are ready to pick the product from the warehouse:

  1. Print the labels

In the Status field:

  1. Select Released
Click image to enlarge
Shipment window; shows the Released status.
  1. Click Save
    • The Generate Report window will open for the Picking Slip report
  2. Click Print
  3. Send the picking slip and labels to the warehouse

Printing Labels

In the top toolbar:

  1. Click Print Labels
  2. Click the Label Type
Click image to enlarge
Shipment window; shows the location of the Print Labels drop-down menu.

In the Generate Report window:

  1. Click Print
  2. Repeat steps 1-3 for each required label type

You now have labels for the shipment.

Shipping the Product

In the Shipment window:

  1. Fill in the Pieces and Weight fields
Click image to enlarge
Shipment window; shows the filled in Pieces and Weight Feilds.

On the product line items:

  1. Click the Carton Number button
    • The Shipment Carton window will open
Click image to enlarge
Shipment window; shows the location of the Carton Number button.
  1. Enter the Carton Number
Click image to enlarge
Shipment Carton window; shows an example carton number.
  1. Click OK
  2. Repeat steps 3-4 for each line item
  3. Update the status to Shipped
Click image to enlarge
Shipment window; shows the shipment status.
  1. Click Save
    • The Generate Report window will open for the Packing Slip report
  2. Click Print

Receiving the Signed Packing Slip

After you receive the signed Packing slip, Review the packing slip. If all products were successfully delivered, Complete the Shipment. If there are any unsuccessful deliveries e.g. damaged product or product missing in the shipment, Update the Shipment Qty before Completing the Shipment.

Click image to enlarge
Example of a signed packing slip; shows the signature location.

Updating Shipment Qty

Each item in a shipment is associated with an opening. You must update the shipment quantity from the opening level to accurately document the progress of the project. Items from individual sales orders unrelated to projects are also associated with openings. The sales order window assigns an "opening number" to each item. Opening numbers for individual sales orders number each line item e.g. Line 1, Line 2, etc. To update the shipment quantity, you must mark the item as Deleted from the specific opening in the Shipment Openings window rather than simply updating the quantity.

In the Shipment window:

  1. Find the unshipped product line item
  2. Click the Qty button
Click image to enlarge
Shipment window; shows the location of the Qty button.

In the Shipment Openings window:

  1. Check the Deleted checkbox
Click image to enlarge
Shipment Openings window; shows the location of the Deleted checkbox.
  1. Click OK

The shipped quantity is now updated.

Completing the Shipment

In the Shipment window:

  1. Attach a copy of the signed packing slip
Click image to enlarge
Shipment window; shows the Complete status.
  1. Update the status to Completed
  2. Click Save

To begin the invoicing process from the shipment window:

  1. Click Create Invoice
    • The Invoicing wizard will open
Click image to enlarge
Shipment window; shows the location of the Create Invoice button.
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