The Receiving Opening selection tool is a feature that helps users manage the receipt of products for Sales Orders and Projects. When purchasing products for these orders, users must select line items or openings to track and manage their orders. The Receiving Opening selection tool allows users to indicate which openings the received products are allocated to.
How it works
The Receiving Opening selection tool has several functions that help users manage the receipt of products for their orders.
Filter Function
The filter function allows users to filter the openings based on details such as Building Area, Phase, Heading, Location, and Opening Description. The filter updates the opening list to show only the openings that match the filter criteria. Users can quickly clear the filter by clicking the Clear Filter button at the front of the row.
Replace Function
The replace function allows users to change the received flag for the filtered results in the opening list. Once the intended received flag is set in the replace row, clicking the Replace button will apply the change to the filtered openings. If no filter is applied, the Replace action will affect all openings.
Auto-Apply Function
The Auto-Apply function marks a specified quantity of openings as received. This function only marks openings that are in the filtered list of openings.
Openings will be marked as received in the order they are listed in the filtered list. By default, the openings are listed based on the Sort column in ascending order; Clicking on a column header will change the order of the list based on that column.
The Total Received field can be used to help keep track of the number of openings that have been marked received when using the filter. This field shows the number of openings that the user has marked as received from the whole list of openings.
Note: The Auto-Apply function will mark all openings in the filtered list as deleted before flagging the specified number of openings as received.
Set All Received Function
The Set All Received function marks all openings as received, regardless of the filter. This function operates on all openings.
Set All Deleted Function
The Set All Deleted function marks all openings as deleted, regardless of the filter. This function operates on all openings.
Note: In this context, deleted means that the product for the opening has not been received and is back-ordered.
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