Frame, Anchor, and Glazing Detail Library

Comsense has released a library of detail drawings for use in Elevations and Door Elevation sheet. The details include a variety of Frame profiles, anchors, and glazing cross-sections. The downloadable file includes 1100 detail drawings that you can use in your projects today.

Comsense has released a library of detail drawings for use in Elevations and Door Elevation sheet. The details include a variety of Frame profiles, anchors, and glazing cross-sections. The downloadable file includes 1100 detail drawings that you can use in your projects today.

Sample Files in the Library:

    Images window; shows example files in the library.
    Images window; shows example files in the library.
    Images window; shows example files in the library.
    Images window; shows example files in the library.

To install the details follow these steps:

  1. Download the library file from the link at the bottom of this article.
  2. Extract the zip file to a temporary location and make a note of the destination.
  3. Launch Comsense Opening Suite.
  4. Click on Tools > Image Creator.
  5. In the Image Creator, click File > Import.
  6. In the Open File dialog, locate the file extracted above. Frm_Anc_Glazing_Details.xml. Click the file and click Open.
  7. The importer will process the file and confirm the details have been imported.
  8. That’s it!

You can now insert these details in Frame Elevations using the Add Details/Plan Views button. You can also add details to Elevation Sheets using Edit menu > Insert Images > Details.

Adding Details - Explanation of Detail Codes

  MJ2 UR - 434JD/334 THROAT MJ2 (Masonry Jamb 2” face) UR (Unequal Rabbet) 434/JD/334 THROAT (4 3/4” Jamb Depth/3 3/4" Throat)
  M2 UR - 434JD M2 (Mullion) UR (Unequal Rabbet) 434JD (4 3/4" Jamb Depth)

To view the detail, click on the code in the left pane, the preview will appear in the right pane.
    Elevations window; shows the detail icon and the images window.

To insert the detail into elevation double click. Detail code will be displayed in the Selected Images pane. Repeat for other required details. When finished click OK.
    Images window; shows two selected images from the Image library.

Elevation with selected details inserted
    Elevations window; shows the finished elevations.

Short Code Listing

Short Code examples

UR = Unequal Rabbet

Same codes with suffix Equal Rabbet (ER) and SIngle Rabbet (SR) not listed here but are included in the library.

  MJ2 UR Masonry Jamb 2" face unequal rabbet
  MJ4 UR Masonry Jamb 4" face unequal rabbet
  MJ6 UR Masonry Jamb 6" face unequal rabbet
  MJ618 UR Masonry Jamb 6 1/8" face unequal rabbet
  MJ658 UR Masonry Jamb 6 5/8" face unequal rabbet
  MJ8 UR Masonry Jamb 8" face unequal rabbet
  MJ818 UR Masonry Jamb 8 1/8" face unequal rabbet
  MJ858 UR Masonry Jamb 8 5/8" face unequal rabbet
  MJ912 UR Masonry Jamb 9 1/2" face unequal rabbet
  MJ10 UR Masonry Jamb 10" face unequal rabbet
  MJ1618 UR Masonry Jamb 12" face unequal rabbet
  MJ2 CO Masonry Jamb 2" face cased open
  MJ4 CO Masonry Jamb 4" face cased open
  COM2 Cased Open Mullion 2" face
  COM4 Cased Open Mullion 4" face
  MJ2 DE Masonry Jamb 2" face double egress
  MJ4 DE Masonry Jamb 4" face double egress
  H2 DE Masonry Head 2" face double egress (SGL Rabbet)
  H4 DE Masonry Head 4" face double egress (SGL Rabbett)
  M2 UR Mullion 2" face unequal rabbet
  M4 UR Mullion 4" face unequal rabbet
  M6 UR Mullion 6" face unequal rabbet
  M8 UR Mullion 8" face unequal rabbet

The shortcode at the end of each group, MJ2 UR, for example, have all dimensions except jamb depth, throat and soffit widths to allow for special conditions.
    Open detail window; shows the short code list.

Short Codes with a TF prefix are for Timely Frames
They are the only manufacturer specific details. All others are generic but typical details.

 Open detail window; shows the short code list and image example.

There are numerous door and frame details indicating the location of door and glazing. There is basic information and specific information for glazing details. See examples below.

MSLRMasonry frame, SL Right
    Open Detail window; shows an example of the MSLR detail.

MSLLMasonry frame SL Left
    Open Detail window; shows an example of the MSLL detail.

GDM14ISGlazing Detail Mullion 1/4" InSide
    Open Detail window; shows an example of the GDM14IS detail.

GDM14OSGlazing Detail Mullion 1/4" OutSide
    Open Detail window; shows an example of the GDM14OS detail.

GD14ISGlazing Detail 1/4" InSide
    Open Detail window; shows an example of the GD14IS detail.


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  • Thank you, Does a library exist for Frame Elevations?

  • Are these items editable?


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