Release Notes for Version 1.13.1324

Public Release 1.13.1324 - Comsense - Software Enhancements -

  1. Estimating & Detailing – New ‘Freight-in’ worksheet window :
    • This is an optional tab in the Pricing window and, by default, is disabled. To enable this feature, check the Use freight-In Worksheet option in Advantage Division master.
    • The freight-in window provides a means to estimate freight by supplier and is intended to replace the Freight columns in the Pricing tab for new projects. This new feature also provides a means for a more efficient means of adding freight to product purchase orders and a basis for identifying and reporting actual freight variances. For new projects, the Freight $ and % columns in the pricing window will be removed. The process flow for estimating freight is as follows:
      • Setup procedure:
        1. If not already setup, enter a ‘Freight-in’ cost group in the Maintenance\Product Cost Group window.
        2. For each product cost group in the Product Cost Group window, assign the Freight-in cost group (identified above) in the Freight-in Cost Group tab at the bottom of the window.
      • Estimating freight:
        1. For each supplier and product cost group, enter either a percentage or dollar value.
        2. Upon completion of step 1 above, click the Generate Miscellaneous Cost button at the bottom of the window. This will generate a summarized list of freight by Section, Cost Group and supplier. If you are satisfied with the summarized values, you may click Save All or uncheck those line items you want to exclude and click Save Selected. This will add these line items to the Miscellaneous tab of the Pricing window and be reflected accordingly in the Project Pricing tab.
  2. Estimating – New Escalating worksheet window:
    • This is an optional tab in the Pricing window and, by default, is disabled. To enable this feature, select Use Escalation Worksheet in Advantage Division master.
    • The Escalation worksheet provides a means to estimate expected future costs increases for projects that span a long procurement period and help protecting future margins.
      • Setup Procedure:
        1. This window is based on designated Phasing segregation of project openings. This tab can only be used when all openings on the project are designated with a Phase code. This code may be assigned in the Complete Opening window using the new Phase column (To the right of Building Area) or by utilizing the Open List filter & replace’ tool.
        2. If not already setup, enter an Escalation cost group in the Maintenance\Product Cost Group window.
        3. For each product cost group in the Product Cost Group window, assign the Escalation cost group (identified above) in the Escalation Cost Group tab at the bottom of the window.
      • Using the Escalation Window:
        1. For each Phase/Section/Cost Group enter and expected percentage product cost increase for that Phase period.
        2. Upon completion of step 1 above, click on the Generate Miscellaneous Cost button at the bottom of the window. This will generate a summarized list of Escalation by Section and Cost Group. If you are satisfied with the summarized values, click Save All or uncheck those line items you want to exclude and click Save Selected. This will add these line items to the Miscellaneous tab of the Pricing window and be reflected accordingly in the Project Pricing tab.
  3. Contract Price can now be calculated by entering a Gross Margin percentage.
  4. Search by Note added in Door, Frame, and Complete Opening takeoff windows.
  5. Product Sourcing Window – When alternate sourcing, there is a new right click option in the Original section for Add to Alternate. Choosing this option will automatically select the existing product as one of the alternate products.

  6. Added new Receiving report with option to show costs.
  7. License in use option now provides a table of users and home division with right click option to export to excel (Example below)

  8. Opening Description auto-build enhancements:
    • Door and Frame elevation definitions used to populate the Opening Descriptions are now defined in the Elevations menu, Door Elevation & Kits and Frame Elevations in the new column named Opening Desc Elevations
    • There are two new options in the Company window to identify if architect type is to be included in the Opening Description. These are named Include frame architect type with opening description and Include door architect type with opening description. These settings may also be set independently in the Project Setup window.
  9. Invoice Print now has an option to print taxable amounts and retainage. The Report Management > Invoice window has two new parameters, Show Taxable Amount and Show Retainage. The Show Retainage parameter also has a parameter type as follows:
    • 0 = Print retainage
    • 1 = Do not print retainage
    • 2 = Print retainage only where retainage is entered in the invoice
  10. Sales Tax report now has an option to select one or more tax codes.
  11. Sales Order Required date can now be set to No default value in the User master window.
  12. Complete Opening Window performance improvements when using Quick Search feature.
  13. Opening Hand restrictions removed from Complete Opening window where Opening Type is a cased opening.
  14. Project Pricing window now has a Read-only open option which alleviates the processing wait time when users are wanting to view existing costing/pricing information for large projects. 

  15. Change Order report export feature to Word or PDF now reflects proper tax amounts.
  16. Hardware Set reports now include option to print opening description.
  17. Two new security functions have been added:
    • Un-sell Project – Allows administrators to assign rights to un-sell (remove Sold Dates) from sold projects.
    • Change Project Credit Limit - Allows administrators to restrict user access to Project Master credit limit changes.
  18. Work Order now prevents printing when status is Open. Print option is only available in Released status.
  19. Managed Product Management window now shows 12 months of usage quantities.
  20. Two dimensional part product descriptions now reflect dimension label to clarify width and height. For example:

  21. Booking Listing report now has an option to exclude change orders.
  22. Supplier Return enhancements:
    • Window for product selection from Pool now includes order and opening information.
    • Global selection function is now available.
    • Product selection window now shows originating purchase order.
  23. Invoices Management window Average days to pay now excludes negative and zero dollar invoices.
  24. The Customer Return process has been expanded to include a Released status. This feature provides the opportunity to record the customer return without creating a customer credit invoice. The Released status also records the product as Pooled and makes the originating product eligible for re-sourcing.
  25. Customer Invoice window now shows Inside and Outside salesperson.
  26. Intermittent sales order looping issue where customer is on-hold, has been corrected.
  27. Shipment Management window now uses a wizard interface.
  28. Customer name has been added to the customer payment window.
  29. Payable Window, Manual Distribution Tab now shows applicable order numbers.
  30. Order Management Window, WIP tab now shows openings numbers.
  31. Miscellaneous Cost purchase order - Ship Direct is now open for selection.
  32. Customer Returns – Corrected issue when returning tax exempt product from a project.
  33. Customer Return - Print option is now active.
  34. Work Order – Added option to show line item component products. See Reports Management, work order, option for Show suggested materials summarized. This is set to true by default.
  35. WIP Transfer – Window now has a button (second right of Warehouse Location To) to display the source of the material. The WIP report also displays the source of the material.
  36. Correction made for intermittent wizard problems.
  37. Order Summary report – First page, Financial recap, sales tax value now excludes contemplated change orders.
  38. Customer Returns Window now provides for option to set invoice date and invoice journal date.
  39. Payment Application report corrected for Application date and previous change order totals.
  40. Correction for intermittent printing issue for Metal Door purchase orders.


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