Timely - Elevations Entry

Comsense Advantage and Elevations are designed around standard hollow metal products. Due to the unique nature of Timely product there are certain circumstances to be aware of which exist mainly in Elevations. Please refer to the following instructions for entering elevations using Timely products.


Elevations window; shows the right-click menu, Custom Piece window, and a text box that says Right click above or beside directional arrow-select customer piece and type 1 3/4 in face dimension. Highlight a copy to avoid entering manually on subsequent components. Simply highlight and paste-Click OK.

Enter height of jamb or width of head component adding 1 3/4" to height or 3 1/2” to head

Initial Setup

Select Options, Dimensions and select Manual
For your first component when the Dimensions window opens click cancel

Elevations window; shows the pathway to Manual Dimensions.

Select Options, Snap then select snap dimension. We recommend starting with 1/4”

Elevations window; shows the pathway to Snap dimensions.

Set Snap window; shows the 1/4 inch radio button selected.

Select Options, Display Labels – This will identify each component

Elevatiosn window; shows the pathway to Display Labels

Adding Remaining Components for the Elevation

Example 1: Single Full Height Sidelite

Build perimeter of sidelite first
Overall width will be displayed at the top of the Elevation
Right click and move to bottom
Then right click on jamb not showing 1 3/4" face dimension, click show dimensions and select Face Top
The Elevations program is designed to show outside dimensions
Timely requires inside dimensions for pricing. 

To show inside dimension between outside jambs, click in the open area between jambs next to piece “A”.
Select Options, Dimensions and Manual
When Dimension window opens select A – C Location Top and Click OK

Dimensions window.

Drop down can be dragged by clicking cursor in dark blue area and releasing to set in place
In open area under head left click and release, then right click and select appropriate component. 
Left clicking on face of mullion will display open section dimensions to the left and right of mullion. Move mouse to left or right and release when desired dimensions are shown

Right click in face section of mullion and click on show dimensions and select Face Top

Elevation drawing example; shows the right-click menu on the mullion and the locations of Show Dimensions.

Dimensions window; shows A Fact Top in the Visible Dimensions pane.

IMPORTANT Select Options-Dimensions-Manual after each piece selected. Drop down box will allow you to select appropriate dimensions for desired sections. Simply click on dimensions you wish displayed from the invisible dimension box which will move them automatically to be displayed then select OK

To enter sill section left click slightly above bottom on either mullion section or jamb release then right click and select custom-enter or paste 1 3/4"

Mullions inserted within the sidelite may also be dragged automatically displaying dimensions up and down and left and right of mullion or select centered mullion if applicable

Right clicking on any dimension will allow user to display up or down or left or right neighboring piece 

Elevation drawing example; shows the right-click menu of any dimensions and the location of Show Left Neighbor.

Right clicking with cursor on any piece in face section will allow user to delete or show dimension of selected piece. Deleting pieces can only be accomplished in the order they were built starting from last piece first


Elevation drawing example; shows the Jamb right-click menu and the location of Swing.

Right-click on jamb-select swing and choose appropriate handing

Swing window

The final step is to insert glazing bead. Right click open area of sidelite and select Insert Bead. Bead will be shown in red.


Completed elevation example.

Example 2: Single Partial Sidelite 

Follow instructions above with the exception of starting with the head component rather than the upright 



Insert the Open Section where necessary. Left click in the open area next to the section where a filler plate is to be installed. Right click and select a flat filler plate or filler plate with stop. 

Elevation drawing example; shows filler plate right-click menu and the location of Filler Plate w/Stop.

NOTE 1: Timely uses a mullion with the stop removed below cutout. This example is if you were building the elevation from inventory.

NOTE 2: Wherever there is Per Foot pricing user must enter total number of feet required in elevations pricing window (3 sided frames calculate automatically)



Insert the Mullion where necessary. Left click in the open area below the sidelite. Right click and select remove stop. 

Elevation drawing example; shows right-click menu and the location of Remove Stop.

NOTE 1: Use this method to build half sidelites that will be ordered from Timely

Elevation drawing example with a half sidelite.

General Notes 


User must enter a valid jamb depth after selecting specified adjustable frame (54A, 73A, or 91A) 


Setup Charges-User must enter quantity and or cost due to numerous variations in setup charges


Default face dimension is 2”. As indicated above it is necessary to enter all Plain or Open Section elevations components as CUSTOM with 1 3/4” face. This must be done for each piece. Refer to instructions above. 


User must deduct butt cuts on sill sections from total Factory notch cuts in elevations pricing 


Due to the 1 3/4” Std face dimension it is impossible to obtain equal dimensions for all lites. We recommend removing dimensions and entering a note of “equal” when this situation occurs.

Elevation with summary of detailing instructions


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