Alternate Sourcing

How to: Source alternate product for your project.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

Check Pool Product Availability

If you are not using an alternate product from the pool, your next step is Accessing Sourcing

Pool products must be set to "Available" for another project or sales order to source them. Any pool products labeled as "Project Protected" are only available for the original sales order/project. You must review the Pool Management window for pool product availability. 

Access Pool Management Window

Go to Enterprise > Inventory Purchasing > Pool Management.

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows location of Inventory/Purchasing and Pool Management.

Review Pool Products

  1. In the Pool Management window, find the product.
  2. Review the Available column.
    • Check the Available checkbox if needed
  3. Review the Project Protected column.
    • Uncheck the Project Protected column if needed
Click image to enlarge
Pool Management window; shows the location of the Available checkbox and Project Protected checkboxes.

The pool product is now ready for sourcing.

Access Sourcing

Go to Enterprise > Order Entry > Sourcing.

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows the location of Order Entry and Sourcing.

Complete the Sourcing Wizard

  1. In the Sourcing Wizard window, open the project or sales order.
Click image to enlarge
Sourcing Wizard page 1.
  1. Complete the wizard.
  2. In the Alternate Sourcing window, right-click the original product line item.
Click image to enlarge
Sourcing window; shows the right-cick menu and location of Alternate Source.
  1. Click Alternate Sourcing.

You are now in the Alternate Sourcing window.

Understand the Alternate Sourcing Window

The Alternate sourcing window has an Original pane and an Alternate pane. Any line items in the Alternate pane replace the line items in the Original pane.

Alternate Sourcing a Product with a Work Order

If your product does not have an associated work order, the next step is Select the Alternate Product.

  1. In the project's Sourcing window, right-click in the Original pane.
Click image to enlarge
Alternate Sourcing window; shows the Original pane right-click menu and the location of Add Original Product.
  1. Click Add Original Product.
  2. In the Source Picker window, select the associated work order.
  3. Click Add.
Click image to enlarge
Source Picker window; shows the unassigned line item and the location of the Add button.
  1. Click OK.
  2. In the Alternate Sourcing window, right-click on the required work order.
  3. Click Add To Alternate.

The Alternate Sourcing now includes the required work order.

Select the Alternate Product

Note: This example shows alternate sourcing from Pool. You can complete alternate sourcing using Inventory Favorite, Managed Product, Door, Frame, and Hardware catalogs, and Special Product.

  1. In the Alternate pane, right-click.
  2. Hover over Add.
    • The Add menu options will expand
Click image to enlarge
Alternate Sourcing window; shows the Alternate pane right-click menu and the location of Pool.
  1. Click Pool.
    • Or your preferred sourcing location
  1. In the product window, select the alternate product.
Click image to enlarge
Pooled Product Picker window; shows the unassigned line item and the Add button.
  1. Click Add.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the Alternate Sourcing window, Click OK.

You now have an alternate product to replace the original product.

Assign Openings

  1. In the Product tab of the Sourcing window, scroll down to the alternate product line item.
  2. Click +.
  3. Under the Openings column, select the opening number(s) from the drop-down.
Click image to enlarge
Sourcing window; shows the location of the expand button the Opening fields.
  1. Click Save.
    • The Order Management window will open

Note: The Source To field remains as Purchase Order in case the pool does not have enough quantity for the sourcing. When the pool does not have enough, the Sourcing window automatically creates a purchase order.

You now have an alternate source for the product.

View WIP Transfer on the Order Summary Report

  1. In the Order Management window top toolbar, click Print.
    • The Generate Report window is displayed
  2. Select the export method.
Click image to enlarge
Example of the Order Summary Report

You now have an Order Summary Report with the WIP transfer.

Tip: If you do not want the entire Order Summary Report, print just the WIP Transfers Report in the Reports window.

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