How Do I Include the Supplier's Country on a Printed Check?


As a customer who prints checks which need to be mailed outside of my home country, I'd like the country name to appear with the supplier's address on the printed check. Is there a way to enable this?


The check forms include a field for the supplier's country, but it is only printed if it is different from the country on the Reporting Division of the bank account the check is written on. It also will not be printed if the country for the division is blank. 

Ensure that you have the Country entered for your Division and Suppliers to have the supplier's country appear on printed checks.

Bank Account reporting Division:

Bank Account List window; shows the Division selected as a Reporting Division.

Division Country:

Division window; shows the Country field.

Supplier Country:

Supplier window; shows the Country field.

Check Run bank account:

Check Run window; shows the Bank Account field.

Supplier address on check:

Example check; shows the supplier country on the check.


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