Sales Orders: Adjusting Sales Tax After Invoicing

Issue: You accidentally invoice a sales order with the incorrect sales tax.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

Resolution: On your sales order, create miscellaneous line items, credit the sales tax on a line item, and invoice the sales order.

In this article:

Accessing Sales Order

Enterprise > Order Entry Sales Order

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise left-hand navigation menu showing the location of Order Entry and Sales Order.
Image 1: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu

You are now ready to open your sales order.

Opening a Sales Order

In the Sales Order # field, Type your sales order number and Press Tab

If you do not know the sales order number, in the top toolbar:

  1. Click Open
    • The Find window will open
  2. Search and Select your sales order by either:
    1. List of sales orders
      • Click Find Now
    2. Sales order information
      • Enter sales order information and Click Find Now
  3. Click Open
    • The Sales Order window will populate 

If the sales order status is at Completed, using the Status field drop-down menu:

  1. Update the status to Released
Click image to enlarge
Sales Order window status field showing drop-down menu.
Image 2: Sales Order Window Status Field

You are now ready to add your miscellaneous line items.

Creating a Miscellaneous Line Item

You can either create miscellaneous line items individually on the sales order or use the division's miscellaneous line item for sales order tax adjustments. The benefit of creating a miscellaneous line item individually is to customize it. Your division will only be able to access the division line item after the administrator completes Administrative Set-up for Sales Order Tax Adjustments

Individual Sales Order Line Item

In the Sales Order window:

  1. Click the Miscellaneous tab
  2. Add two miscellaneous expenses in the fillable line item

In the Sell Price column:

  1. Enter the pre-tax amount from the original sales order on each miscellaneous line item
    1. One item credited
      • E.g. -100
    2. One item debited
      • E.g. 100
  2. Write a note on each line item describing the purpose of the miscellaneous expense 
Click image to enlarge
Sales Order window showing the sell prices for each misellaneous line item and the Note.
Image 3: Sales Order Miscellaneous Items

You are now ready to credit the sales tax on the miscellaneous line item.

Division Line Item

In the Sales Order window's Miscellaneous tab:

  1. Right-click in the Miscellaneous pane 
  2. Click Copy From Template
Click image to enlarge
Miscellaneous Pane Right-Click Window
Image 5: Miscellaneous Tab Right-Click Menu

In the Miscellaneous window:

  1. Select the unassigned miscellaneous expense
  2. Click Add
Click image to enlarge
Miscellaneous Window
Image 6: Miscellaneous Line Item Selection Window
  1. Click OK 
  2. Repeat steps 2-5 for the second line item
  3. Enter the pre-tax amount from the original sales order on each miscellaneous line item
    1. One item credited
      • E.g. -100
    2. One item debited
      • E.g. 100

You are now ready to credit sales tax on your miscellaneous line items.

Crediting Sales Tax on a Miscellaneous Line Item

In the Miscellaneous tab of the Sales Order window:

  1. Scroll right until you see the Tax Exempt column

On the debited miscellaneous line item:

  1. Click the button next to the Tax Exempt field
    • The Taxes window will open
Click image to enlarge
Sales Order window showing the tax exempt button.
Image 7: Tax Exempt Button
  1. Select the tax code to credit
Click image to enlarge
Taxes window showing tax-exemption options.
Image 8: Taxes Window
  1. Click OK
    •  The removed sales tax will appear in the Tax Total and Order Total fields
Click image to enlarge
Sales Order window showing the credited tax and order total.
Image 9: Sales Tax Credit on Sales Order
  1. Click Save

The tax on your sales order is now credited.

Reinvoicing the Sales Order

You cannot reverse an invoice. To correct an invoicing error on a sales order you must create a new invoice after adjusting the sales order. 

Enterprise > Receivables/Invoicing > Invoicing

In the Invoicing window top toolbar:

  1. Click New
    • The Invoicing Wizard will open
  2. Search your Sales Order by either:
    1. Sales Order #
      • Enter the project code and Press Tab
    2. Find window
      • Click the Magnifying Glass and Search in the Find window
  3. Click Finish
    • The Invoice window will populate
Click image to enlarge
Invoice window showing the outstanding balance of the updated taxes.
Image 10: New Invoice Window
  1. Click Save

To export the Invoice, in the top toolbar:

  1. Click Print
  2. Select the export method

You now have an invoice for your tax-adjusted sales order.

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