Sorting Items in the Hardware Schedule

How to: Sort items in the hardware schedule. 

Purpose: Items in a hardware set are automatically sorted by product category using the Door Hardware Institute (DHI) standard. This procedure allows you to sort the hardware items in your preferred order.

Environment: Comsense Advantage

Resolution: Manually sort the hardware items.

In this article:

Choosing the Sorting Window

You can sort hardware items in Advantage in two different windows. Choose the sorting window depending on whether or not you have built and assigned headings to the openings.

If you:

  • Have not built and assigned headings to the openings, Use the Hardware Window
  • Have built and assigned headings to the openings, Use the Complete Window

Accessing Hardware Sets

Hardware Window

Advantage > Detailing > Hardware

Click image to enlarge
Advantage navigation menu; shows the location of hardware window.
Image 1: Advantage Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Opening Your Project

In the Hardware window:

  1. Open your project by either:
    1. Project code
      • Enter project code in Project field and Press Tab
    2. Project information
      • Click Open in the top toolbar and Search project information
Click image to enlarge
Hardware window; displays location of open icon and Project field.
Image 2: Hardware Window Open Project

In the Set Number drop-down menu:

  1. Select the appropriate set

You are now ready to Sort Hardware Items in your hardware sets.

Complete Window

Advantage > Detailing > Complete

Click image to enlarge
Advantage Navigation menu; displays the location of the Complete window.
Image 3: Advantage Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Opening Your Project

  1. Open your project by either:
    1. Project code
      • Enter project code in Project field and Press Tab
    2. Project information
      • Click Open in the top toolbar and Search project information 

In the Master Schedule pane:

  1. Select the line item with the appropriate hardware set and heading
Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the location of hardware sets and the hardware items.
Image 4: Complete Window Hardware Set & Hardware Pane

You are now ready to Sort Hardware Items in your hardware set.

Sorting Hardware Items

*Note: If you are sorting in the complete window, the order of hardware items applies to all openings with that heading.


On a Hardware line item:

  1. Right-click 
  2. Hover over Reorder
    • The Reorder menu options will open
  3. Select a Reorder option to move the hardware item
Click image to enlarge
Hardware item right-click menu; shows location of Reorder and Reorder menu options (Move Up, Move Down, Move to Top, Move to Bottom, and Move Before Shortcode.
Image 5: Hardware Line Item Right-Click Menu
  1. Repeat steps 1-3 until the hardware items are in the correct order
  2. Click Save

Repeat this procedure for each hardware set that needs reordering. Your hardware items are now in the correct order for your submittal.

DHI Order

On a hardware line item:

  1. Right-click
  2. Select Sort in DHI Order

Your hardware items are now back in DHI order.

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