Taking a Customer Deposit for a Project

How to: Track deposits for projects and apply the funds to future customer invoices.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

Purpose: Accurate tracking and reallocation of deposit funds on projects.

Resolution: Create a $0.00 project invoice and apply a customer payment equaling the deposit amount. This creates an overpayment of the deposit in the system. You can then apply the deposit overpayment to future project invoices.

In this article:

Creating a Project Invoice to Hold the Deposit

The project invoice that holds the deposit starts as a $0.00 invoice. The purpose of the $0.00 project invoice is to apply an overpayment representing the deposit amount. You can then apply the overpayment to future project invoices. This article refers to the $0.00 project invoice as the deposit holding invoice.

To create your deposit holding invoice, you must have an open cash drawer. Open a cash drawer before proceeding with the procedure below.

Accessing Invoicing

In the Enterprise left-hand Navigation menu:

  1. Click Receivables/Invoicing
Click image to enlarge
Enterprise left-hand Navigation menu; shows the location of Receivables/Invoicing and Invoicing.
Image 1: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu
  1. Click Invoicing
    • The Invoicing window will open

In the Invoicing window top toolbar:

  1. Click New
    • The Invoicing Wizard will open

You are now ready to create your deposit holding invoice.

Creating Your Deposit Holding Invoice

In the Invoicing Wizard Sales Order/Project field:

  1. Open your project by either:
    1. Project code
      • Enter project code and Press Tab
    2. Project search
      • Click Magnifying Glass and Search project
  2. Check the Progress Billing Only checkbox
Click image to enlarge
Invoicing Wizard; shows location of Sales Order/Project field and Progress Billing Only checkbox.
Image 2: Invoicing Wizard
  1. Continue through the Invoicing Wizard
    • Do not include any purchase orders on the deposit holding invoice
Click image to enlarge
Invoicing Wizard with no purchase orders selected for the invoice.
Image 3: Invoicing Wizard with No Purchase Orders Selected

If there are any purchase orders in the bottom pane:

  1. Click Remove All
    • The line items will move to the top pane
Click image to enlarge
Invoicing Wizard; shows location of the Remove All button to remove purchase orders on the invoice.
Image 4: Invoicing Wizard Remove All Purchase Orders

In the Invoicing window:

  1. Enter a note
    • E.g. deposit received, not active account
  2. Take note of the invoice number
    • You require the invoice number to apply the deposit against future invoices
  3. Click Save & Close

*Note: Progress Billing Only means you do not require a shipment for this invoice and you can apply the amount to future invoices.

You are now ready to process an overpayment against the deposit holding invoice.

Processing an Overpayment for the Deposit Amount

Accessing Customer Payment

In the Enterprise left-hand Navigation menu:

  1. Click Receivables/Invoicing
Click image to enlarge
Enterprise left-hand Navigation menu; shows location of Receivables/Invoicing and Customer Payment.
Image 5: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu
  1. Click Customer Payment
    • The Customer Payment window will open

In the Customer Payment window top toolbar:

  1. Click New
  2. Click Customer Payment

You are now ready to apply the deposit amount against the deposit holding invoice.

Applying the Deposit Amount Against the Deposit Holding Invoice

In the Invoices field: 

  1. Enter your invoice number from Creating Your Deposit Holding Invoice
  2. Press Tab
    • The Invoices pane will populate
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payment window; shows location of the Invoices field.
Image 6: New Customer Payment

In the Invoices pane under the Invoice # column:

  1. Search your invoice number
    • This is the same number that is in the Invoices field
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payment window; shows location of Invoices pane and Invoice search results.
Image 7: Deposit Holding Invoice Line Item
  1. Enter the deposit amount in:
    • Payment Received field
    • Payment Applied column
Click image to enlarge
Image 8: Payment Received & Payment Applied Fields
  1. Enter the journal date
  2. Enter the payment method
  3. Click Save & Close

The deposit holding invoice now has an overpayment to apply to future project invoices.

Paying Project Invoices with the Deposit

After you complete a shipment and create a new project invoice for the shipment, you can pay the new project invoice with the deposit.

  1. Complete the steps of Accessing Customer Payment

In the Invoices field:

  1. Enter both invoice numbers
    • E.g. 700629, 700631
  2. Press Tab
    • The Invoices pane will populate
  3. Leave Payment Received field at $0.00
    • You are not receiving a new payment, you are using the funds from the deposit holding invoice

Under the Payment Applied column:

  1. Enter the new project invoice amount as a negative on your deposit holding invoice
    • Only up to the amount of the deposit
  2. Enter the new invoice amount as a positive on your new project invoice
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payment window; shows a payment on the new customer invoice, shows a negative negative payment on the deposit holding invoice, and $0.00 in the Payment Received and Payment Applied fields in the top pane.
Image 9: Deposit Holding Invoice & New Project Invoice Line Items

The Payment Applied field in the top pane should equal $0.00 and the deposit holding Invoice Balance will update.

You have paid the new project invoice using the deposit.

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