Importing Door & Frame Schedules

How to: Import door and frame schedules to speed up the estimating process.

Environment: Comsense Advantage

Procedure: Before importing your door and frame schedule, make sure the excel file meets the requirements using the article Door & Frame Schedule Data Table Requirements.

In this article:

Exporting the Excel File as a Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt) File

In the Excel window:

  1. Click File
  2. Click Save As

In the Save As Type field:

  1. Select Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)
Click image to enlarge
Excel application; shows the Save As Type drop-down menu.
Image 1: Excel Save As Menu
  1. Click Save

You are now ready to import your door and frame schedule.

Importing your Door & Frame Schedule

Accessing your Project

You import door and frame schedules into the Projects window.

In the Advantage left-hand Navigation Menu:

  1. Click Estimating
Click image to enlarge
Advantage left-hand navigation menu; shows locatin of Estimating and Projects.
Image 2: Advantage Left-Hand Navigation Menu
  1. Click Projects
    • The Projects window will open
  2. Open your project by either:
    1. Project code
      • Enter project code in Project Code field and Press Tab
    2. Search
      • Click Open Project icon and Search your project

You are now ready to upload your door and frame schedule.

Uploading Door and Frame Schedule

In the top Project window top toolbar:

  1. Click Import Takeoff Information... icon
Click image to enlarge
Project window; shows location of the Import Takeoff Information... icon.
Image 3: Import Takeoff Information... Icon

In the Takeoff Import Utility window:

  1. Select ANSI
  2. Click the Ellipses
Click image to enlarge
Takeoff Import Utility window; shows location of ANSI and ellipses.
Image 4: Takeoff Import Utility Window

In the Select File window:

  1. Select the .txt file 
  2. Click Open
Click image to enlarge
Select File window; shows location door and frame schedule and Open button.
Image 5: Select File Window

You are now ready to map the door and frame schedule fields.

Mapping Door and Frame Schedule Fields

In the Takeoff Import Utility window, you can:

You cannot delete maps once they have been created. Minimize repeating maps by using an existing map that fits your door and frame schedule criteria. 

Creating a New Map

In the Takeoff Import Utility window:

  1. Select New Map
  2. Click Map Custom Fields
    • The Takeoff Import Utility window will expand
Click image to enlarge
Takeoff Import Utility window; shows location of New Map and Map Custom Fields button.
Image 6: New Map & Map Custom Fields

In the bottom pane of the Takeoff Import Utility window

  1. Select the corresponding Comsense Field Name for each Custom Field Name
    • If there is no corresponding field name, leave the Comsense Field Name blank
Click image to enlarge
Takeoff Import Utility window; shows the field mapping pane.
Image 7: Comsense Field Name Drop-Down Options

You are now ready to preview the mapping.

Previewing the New Map

After filling in all corresponding Comsense field names:

  1. Click Preview File
    • Always preview the file to ensure the data is arranged correctly
Click image to enlarge
Takeoff Import Utility window; shows location of Preview File button.
Image 8: Preview File Button

If the Incomplete Mapping dialog box opens:

  1. Click Yes
Click image to enlarge
Incomplete Mapping dialog box; shows location of Yes button.
Image 9: Incomplete Mapping Dialog Box

If your data is arranged correctly, you are now ready to save the map.

Saving the New Map

Under the Mapping pane:

  1. Click Save Map
  2. Choose & Enter the Map Name
  3. Click Okay
Click image to enlarge
Takeoff Import Utility window; shows Map Name window and location of Save Map button.
Image 10: Map Name Window

To complete your import, under the Preview pane:

  1. Click OK

The door and frame schedule data is now in your project. 

Using an Existing Map

In the Takeoff Import Utility window:

  1. Select Use Existing Map

In the empty field next to Use Existing Map

  1. Select the appropriate map
Click image to enlarge
Takeoff Import Utility window; Use Existing Map drop-down menu.
Image 11: Use Existing Map Drop-Down Options

To preview the new map:

  1. Complete the steps in Previewing the New Map
  2. Click OK

Your custom fields are now corresponding with Comsense fields according to the existing map. 

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