Creating Option Groups for User-Maintained Products

How to: Create groups of hardware options for user-maintained products by manufacturer.

Purpose: Save time applying options to user-maintained products by adding the product to a group rather than individually selecting each option.

Environment: Advantage

In this article:

  1. Understanding Option Groups
  2. Creating a User-Maintained Product
    1. Accessing Hdw Grid
    2. Making a Special Product Available for Options
    3. Adding a User-Maintained Product
  3. Adding an Option Group
  4. Assigning the Option Group to a User-Maintained Product
  5. Adding Options to the Option Group
    1. Accessing Hdw Option Grid
    2. Filling In the Hardware Options
    3. Selecting the Option Group

Understanding Option Groups 

Product options include:

  • Product changes
    • E.g. finishes security grades, knobs, handle sets, and levers
  • Product add-ons
    • E.g. strikes, latches, keying, fasteners, voltages, coatings, and cutouts

Product options vary by manufacturer. Before creating your option groups, you must determine what options you want to group together based on the product you apply the options to. Review the manufacturer catalog and price list before proceeding with this article.

Creating a User-Maintained Product

In this procedure, you create an option group for a user-maintained product. User-maintained products:

  • Are only made in the Hardware Grid
  • Do not include special products

You can update special products to include options by manually removing the special product status.

Accessing Hdw Grid

Advantage > Catalog Maint. > Hdw Grid

Click image to enlarge
Advantage Navigation menu; shows the location of the Catalog Maint. and Hdw Grid.
Image 1: Advantage Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Making a Special Product Available for Options

In the Hdw Grid window:

  1. Click the Checkmark above the filter line item
    • The Hdw Grid pane will populate
Click image to enlarge
Hdw Maintenance - Hdw Grid window; shows the location of the checkmark icon.
Image 2: Hdw Grid Checkmark Icon
  1. Find the special product
  2. Scroll to the right of the Hdw Grid pane

Under the Special Product column:

  1. Uncheck the checkbox
Click image to enlarge
Hdw Maintenance - Hdw Grid window; shows the location of a Special Product checkbox.
Image 3: Special Product Checkbox
  1. Click Save

The special product can now have an option group assigned to it.

Adding a User-Maintained Product

In the Hdw Grid window:

  1. Right-click the empty Hdw Grid pane
  2. Click Add
Click image to enlarge
Hdw Maintenance - Hdw Grid window; shows right Hdw Grid right-click menu and the location of the Add button.
Image 4: Hdw Grid Right-Click Menu

In the new blank line item:

  1. Fill in all applicable fields for the user-maintained product
  2. Click Save
Click image to enlarge
Hdw Maintenance - Hdw Grid window; shows an example of a new hardware line item.
Image 5: User-Maintained Product

You now have a user-maintained product.

Adding an Option Group

On the user-maintained product line item:

  1. Right-click in the Option Group field
  2. Click Option Groups Add/Search
Click image to enlarge
Hdw Maintenance - Hdw Grid window; shows the Option Group right-click menu and the location of the Option Groups Add/Search button.
Image 6: Option Group Field Right-Click Menu

In the Option Group Definition window:

  1. Enter the group #
  2. Enter the group description
Click image to enlarge
Option Group Definition window; shows an example of a group number and group description.
Image 7: Option Group Definition Window
  1. Click OK

*Note: Do not fill in any information on the lower line item. You will not be able to click OK.

You now have an option group.

Assigning the Option Group to a User-Maintained Product

In the Hdw Grid window:

  1. Find the user-maintained product
  2. Select your option group under the Option Group column
Click image to enlarge
Hdw Maintenance - Hdw Grid window; shows a selected option group in the Option Group field.
Image 8: New Option Group
  1. Click Save

Your option group is now assigned to the user-maintained product.

Adding Options to the Option Group

Complete these steps using the information from the user-maintained product.

Accessing Hdw Option Grid

Advantage > Catalog Maint. > Hdw Option Grid

Click image to enlarge
Advantage Navigation menu; shows the location of Catalog Maint and the Hdw Option Grid.
Image 9: Advantage Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Filling In the Hardware Options

In the Hdw Option Grid window:

  1. Right-click in the Option Grid pane
Click image to enlarge
Hardware Option Grid window; shows the right-click menu and the location of the Add button.
Image 10: Option Grid Right-Click Menu
  1. Click Add
  2. Fill in the new line item using the information from the user-maintained product
    • Mfg Code, Option Category, Catalog Number, and set the parameters for the option
Click image to enlarge
Hardware Option Grid window; shows the new line item.
Image 11: New Option Group Line Item

The line item now has hardware options.

Selecting the Option Group

On the new line item:

  1. Right-click in the Option Groups field
Click image to enlarge
Hardware Option Grid window; shows the right-click menu and the location of the Option Groups button.
Image 12: Option Group Line Item Right-Click Menu
  1. Click Option Groups
    • The Option Group Selection window will open

On the Option Groups line item:

  1. Click & Hold the Group Code field
Click image to enlarge
Option Group Selection window; shows the location of the Group Code field.
Image 13: Group Code Field
  1. Drag & Drop the line item into the Selected Option Groups
  2. Repeat steps 3-4 for any other applicable option groups
  3. Click OK
Click image to enlarge
Option Group Selection; shows the selected options line item and the location of the OK button.
Image 14: Selected Option Group Line Item

In the Hdw Option Grid window:

  1. Click Save

The option group and options now are assigned to a specific product.

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