Processing Payables for Invoices with Supplier Returns

Issue: You receive an invoice that includes a product for payment and product for return.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

Resolution: Process a short paid payable for receiving, a supplier return payable for the returned product, and the rest of the short paid invoice after the new product is received.

*Note: Before proceeding, ensure your administrator has Set-Up for Supplier Shipment Errors.

In this article:

  1. Processing a Payable for Receiving
    1. Updating the Product Line Item
    2. Distributing the Purchase Variance
    3. Distributing the Disputed Charges
  2. Processing a Payable for Supplier Return
    1. Updating the Product Line Item
    2. Distributing the Purchase Variance
    3. Distributing the Disputed Charges
  3. Releasing the Remaining Payment

Processing a Payable for Receiving

Your payable for receiving will include the product for return because it was on the purchase order and the Purchase Order Receiving report. You only want to pay for the products you keep. The following procedure outlines how to correctly distribute funds and process payables for the appropriate amount within the parameters of Comsense.

Updating the Product Line Item

In the Payables window:

  1. Create a new payable for the receiving
  2. Update Payable Unit Cost field of the product shipped in error to 0.01
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows payable unit cost updated to 0.01.
Image 1: Receiving Payable Unit Cost
  1. Press Tab

The product shipped in error now has a payable unit cost.

Distributing the Purchase Variance

In the Payables window:

  1. Click Manual Account Distribution tab

In the fillable line item:

  1. Select the division
  2. Click Find Account
    • The Find Account window will open
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows location of the Find Accounot button.
Image 2: Find Account Button
  1. Select & Open your purchase variance account

On the purchase variance manual account distribution line item:

  1. Type -0.01 in the Amount field
  2. Enter a note in Note field
Click image to enlarge
Manual Account Distribution tab; shows the Purchase Variance line item with negative amount.
Image 3: Purchase Variance Line Item on Receiving Payable

The payable unit cost is now allocated to your purchase variance account.

Distributing the Disputed Charges

In the Manual Account Distribution tab fillable line item:

  1. Select the division
  2. Click Find Account
    • The Find Account window will open
  3. Select & Open your disputed charges account
  4. Enter the dollar value of the total disputed charges in the Amount field
  5. Enter a note in the Note field
Click image to enlarge
Manual Account Distribution tab; shows the Disputed Charges line item with positive amount.
Image 4: Disputed Charges Line Item on Receiving Payable
  1. Update the Release for Payment field to the total undisputed amount
    • Invoice amount - disputed amount = total undisputed amount
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the updated Release for Payment field.
Image 5: Receiving Payable Release for Payment Field
  1. Click Release

Your payable is now released for the product for payment. 

Processing a Payable for Supplier Return

The payable for supplier return will use the funds allocated to disputed charges account in Processing Payable for Receiving: Distributing the Disputed Charges

Updating the Product Line Item

In the Payables window:

  1. Create a new payable for the supplier return
  2. Expand the line item in the Supplier Return tab
  3. Update Payable Unit Credit field to 0.01
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows updated Payable Unit Credit field.
Image 6: Supplier Return Payable Unit Credit
  1. Press Tab

The product for return now has a payable unit credit of 0.01

Distributing the Purchase Variance

In the Payables window: 

  1. Click Manual Account Distribution Tab

In the fillable line item:

  1. Select the division
  2. Click Find Account
    • The Find Account window will open
  3. Select your purchase variance account
  4. Enter 0.01 in the Amount field
  5. Enter a note in the Note field
Click image to enlarge
Manual Account Distribution tab; shows the Purchase Variance line item with positive amount.
Image 7: Purchase Variance Line Item for Supplier Return Payable

The payable unit credit is now assigned to your purchase variance account.

Distributing the Disputed Charges

In the Manual Account Distribution tab:

  1. Select the division
  2. Click Find Account
    • The Find Account window will open
  3. Select your disputed charges account
  4. Enter the negative dollar value of the total disputed charges
    • The Balance To Distribute field will update to 0.00
Click image to enlarge
Manual Account Distribution tab; shows the Disputed Charges line item with negative amount.
Image 8: Disputed Charges Line Item for Supplier Return Payable
  1. Click Release

The supplier return payable is now released and you can release the rest of the payment on the original receiving payable.

Releasing the Remaining Payment

Release the remaining payment when after the rest of the purchase order is received.

In the Payables window:

  1. Open your original receiving payable
  2. Click the ...  in the Release for Payment field
    • Release for Payment window will open
  3. Enter the total invoice amount
  4. Click OK

The entire receiving payable is now released. The newly released portion of the receiving payable will be offset by the supplier return payable.

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