Application for Payment Approved for a Different Amount

Issue: Your application for payment was approved for a different amount than on your application.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

Resolution: If your application for payment is approved for a different amount, you must create a new invoice to adjust your billing amount and create a new application for payment that matches the approved amount. This allows receivables to properly apply the customer payment.

*Note: Before proceeding, review the invoices on the application for payment and determine which purchase orders require billing adjustments.

In this article: 

Deleting Your Application for Payment

In the Application And Certification For Payment window:

  1. Open your application for payment
  2. Update the status field to Deleted
Click image to enlarge
Application And Certification for Payment window; shows updated Deleted status.
  1. Click Save

You are now ready to adjust your billing.

Creating a New Progress Billing Invoice

In the Invoicing window:

  1. Click New
  2. Enter your Project code in the Sales Order/Project field
  3. Press Tab
  4. Check the Progress Billing Only checkbox
Click image to enlarge
Invoicing Wizard; shows selected project number and checked Progress Billing Only Checkbox.
  1. Click Next
    • Do not add any purchase orders to the bottom pane
  2. Click Finish

You now have a new progress billing invoice.

Updating Your Progress Billing Invoice

 In the Invoicing window:

  1. Click the Project Billing tab
  2. Expand the project and change orders line items that apply
  3. Find the billed line items that require updating
Click image to enlarge
Invoice window; shows billed line items that require updates.

Under the Actual Billing column:

  1. Distribute the rejected amount across previously billed line items as a negative value
Click image to enlarge
Invoice window; shows updated billing on previously billed line items.
  1. Click Save

You can now Create a New Application for Payment and Complete Your Application for Payment.

Charging for the Remaining Invoice Amount

Include the remainder of the rejected amount on a future application for payment.

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