Create a Change Order

 How to: Create a change order for a project.

Environment: Comsense Advantage & Enterprise

In this article:

  1. Determining If You Should Create a Change Order
  2. Reviewing the Project
    1. Accessing the Complete window
    2. Reviewing the Has Sourcing & Released Columns
      1. Reviewing the Master Schedule Pane
      2. Reviewing the Door Leafs, Frame, and Hardware Panes
      3. Reviewing the Exact Stage of the Product
  3. Determining Project Adjustments to Complete the Change Order
    1. Released Items
    2. Sourced Items
    3. Shipped Items
  4. Creating a Change Order
  5. Completing a Cost & Contract Amount Change Order
  6. Building the Change Order
    1. Validating Openings
    2. Entering History Notes
    3. Duplicating an Existing Opening
    4. Adding a New Opening
    5. Updating Existing Openings
      1. Importing by Individual Opening
      2. Importing by Product
      3. Importing the Openings
    6. Updating an Opening
    7. Deleting an Opening
    8. Adding New Products to Existing Openings
      1. Adding Doors
      2. Adding Frames
      3. Adding Hardware
      4. Reloading Original Doors or Frame
    9. Deleting Products from Existing Openings
      1. Deleting Doors
      2. Deleting Frames
      3. Deleting Hardware
    10. Changing Products from Existing Openings
  7. Verifying Pricing
    1. Accessing Change Order Pricing
    2. Verifying the Component Costing Tab
      1. Updating Component Costing
    3. Verifying the Miscellaneous Tab
    4. Verifying the Project Pricing Tab
      1. Updating the Detailed Markup Column
  8. Creating the Change Order Report
    1. Accessing Reports
    2. Selecting Change Order Report Preferences
  9. Waiting for Change Order Approval

Determining If You Should Create a Change Order

Before you begin a change order, it is important to consider the stage of the project. Review what is complete, the request(s), and how the request(s) relates to everyone involved. Ask yourself, what will this change order mean for both our company and our customer considering:

  • Financial adjustments
  • Project timelines
  • Resource availability
    • Stock
    • Shop time

Review the project with these considerations in mind.

Reviewing the Project

Review the project in the Complete window and determine which openings it will affect.

Accessing the Complete Window

Advantage > Detailing > Complete

Click image to enlarge
Advantage navigation menu; shows the location of Detailing and Complete.
Image 1: Advantage Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Once you are in the Complete window, Open the project.

Reviewing the Has Sourcing & Released Columns

Determine the status of the project by reviewing the Has Sourcing and Released columns. The statuses of these columns tell you if there have been transactions involving the products and openings in Enterprise. Transactions include stock requisitions, purchase orders, work orders, etc. The Released column shows the product is available for sourcing and the Has Sourcing column shows the product is being sourced or is sourced.

Reviewing the Master Schedule Pane

The Master Schedule pane shows you the project by opening. A checked checkbox in the Has Sourcing and Released columns means that a portion, or all, of that opening is released and sourced. Identify the specific products that are released and sourced by Reviewing Door Leaf, Frame, and Hardware Panes.

Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows Has Sourcing and Released checkboxes in the Master Schedule pane.
Image 2: Master Schedule Pane Has Sourcing & Released Checkboxes

Reviewing the Door Leafs, Frame, and Hardware Panes

The Door Leafs, Frame, and Hardware panes show you each product on the opening selected in the Master Schedule pane. Each product line item has a Has Sourcing and Released column.

Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the location of the Has Sourcing and Released checkboxes in the Frame pane.
Image 3: Frame Pane Has Sourcing & Released

Reviewing the Exact Stage of the Product

Click the Has Sourcing checkbox to see the exact stage of the product. A stage is complete if the checkbox is unchecked.

Click image to enlarge
Need To window; shows the stage of the project.
Image 4: Need To Window

If the product is sourced but a change order is necessary, review the purchase order, stock requisition, or any work orders in Enterprise Order Management to determine the exact stage of sourcing.

Determining Project Adjustments to Complete the Change Order

*Note: The scenarios below only apply openings affected by the change order.

Released Items

If the product is released but not sourced, determine if you should uncheck the released checkbox in the Order Scheduling window.

Enterprise > Order Management > Order Scheduling

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows the location of Order Management and Order Scheduling.
Image 5: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu
Click image to enlarge
Order Scheduling window; shows a checked Released Checkbox.
Image 6: Order Scheduling Checked Released Checkbox
Click image to enlarge
Order Scheduling window; shows an unchecked Released Checkbox.
Image 7: Order Scheduling Unchecked Released Checkbox

Sourced Items

If the product is sourced and not shipped, determine if you want to Complete an Unsourcing.

Shipped Items

If the product is shipped, determine if you want to Complete a customer Return.

Creating a Change Order

In the Complete window:

  1. Click Change Order
    • The Select a Change Order window will open
Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the location of the Change Order button.
Image 8: Change Order Button
  1. Click New
    • The Create a New Change Order window will open
Click image to enlarge
Select a Change Order window; shows the location of the New button.
Image 9: New Change Order

In the Description pane:

  1. Enter the details of the proposed changes
    • The change order description shows when you search the change order and on the printed change order report
Click image to enlarge
Create a New Change Order window; shows a description of the change order in the Description pane.
Image 10: Change Order Description

If this is an internal change order:

  1. Check the Internal checkbox 

*Note: An internal change order must have a contract amount of $0.00 per section (even if there is associated costs) and does not affect AIA billing.

  1. Click OK
  2. Ensure the new change order is highlighted
  3. Click OK

You now have a new change order.

Completing a Cost and Contract Amount Only Change Order

If your change order is only to update cost and contract amounts with no changes to product or openings, you do not make any further changes in the complete window.

In the Complete window:

  1. Click Save & Close
  2. Verify Pricing

Building the Change Order

New change orders display as a blank Complete window. On the change order you can:

  • Add new openings by:
    • Duplicating an existing opening
    • Adding a new opening
  • Delete an existing opening
  • Update an existing opening by:
    • Making a change on the opening line item
    • Adding new doors, frames, or hardware
    • Deleting doors, frames, or hardware
    • Updating any of the door, frames, and hardware

Validating Openings

Before you add, delete, or update any openings, you must check the Validate each row checkbox. This allows the system to validate each row as you create or update line items. Validating openings confirms that all required components of the opening are complete. 

Above the Master Schedule pane:

  1. Check the Validate each row checkbox
Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the location of the Validate each row checkbox.
Image 11: Validate Each Row Checkbox
  1. Click Save

If some openings do not validate, review and update the change order accordingly before proceeding.

Entering History Notes

Every action you complete in the change order will prompt a History Note window. Enter a note detailing the changes for documentation purposes. Keep the history notes clear and concise.

Click image to enlarge
Please enter history note window; shows an example note and the location of the OK button.
Image 12: History Note Window

Duplicating an Existing Opening

In the Master Schedule pane:

  1. Enter the new opening reference number
  2. Press Tab
    • The Duplicate Opening window will open
Click image to enlarge
Duplicate Opening window.
Image 13: Duplicate Opening Window
  1. Enter the opening reference number for the opening to duplicate
  2. Click OK

The change order now has a new opening.

Adding a New Opening

Add a new opening as you would when creating your initial project.

In the Complete window:

  1. Complete the new opening line item
  2. Complete the new door leafs line item(s)
  3. Complete the frame line item
  4. Complete the hardware line item(s)

Your change order now has a new opening.

Updating Existing Openings

There are two methods to import the affected openings, you can import by:

  • Individual opening
  • Product
    • i.e. Import all openings that have a certain product

Consider the goal of your change order to determine which method you use.

E.g. to change all hinges to bronze, search by hinge type, import all openings with that hinge, and update each hardware heading accordingly.

E.g. to change the fire rating on one door, import that specific opening and update the fire rating.

Importing by Individual Opening

To import by individual opening, search and select the opening by the opening reference number.

*Note: If the opening shares the same hardware headings with another opening, the Hardware pane will read "Locked for update." Locked for update means you cannot update the hardware because it updates the heading that another opening uses. For this situation, you must create a new hardware heading.

Importing by Product

To make changes to on multiple openings, search and select the openings by one of the following:

  • Door attributes
  • Frame attributes
  • Hardware product shortcode

Importing the Openings

In the Complete window top toolbar:

  1. Click Find Original
    • The icon of binoculars with an arrow
Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the location of the Find Original button.
Image 14: Find Original Button

In the Detailing Filter window:

  1. Select the opening(s) by the opening or product
Click image to enlarge
Detailing Filter window; shows a selected opening and the locatin of the OK button.
Image 15: Detailing Filter Window
  1. Click OK
    • A list of openings will open

*Note: If you are importing by opening, any other openings with the same heading are listed. 

  1. Select the openings to apply the change order to
Click image to enlarge
Select openings you want to include in this change order window; shows a selected opening and the location of the OK button.
Image 16: Selected Openings
  1. Click OK

The change order now has existing openings.

Updating an Opening

All products in Door Leafs pane and Frame pane will update according to the change e.g. changing the Open Hand from LHR to RHR automatically updates the Hand column in Door Leafs and Frame.

In the Complete window:

  1. Update the opening line item with your changes
Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows updates from the Master Schedule pane applied to the Door Leafs and Frame panes.
Image 17: Updated Openings & Products
  1. Click Save

This opening is now updated.

Deleting an Opening

In the Complete window:

  1. Import the Opening

In the Opening line item:

  1. Update the Qty field to 0
Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows an opening with the quantity of 0.
Image 18: Updated Opening Quantity Field
  1. Click Save 

The opening and the corresponding door, frame, and hardware are now deleted on this change order. 

Adding New Products to Existing Openings

When adding new products you must be aware of any existing products that will be affected. 

Ask yourself:

  • Is some of the product already on site?
  • Does the on-site product need to be replaced?

Adding Doors

When adding a new door that is a different manufacturer or type from the original door, proceed as usual.

You may add a new door of the same manufacturer and type because either:

  • The door on-site was damaged
  • The updates to frame and hardware require a new door to be sent

In this case, you must add a new factory prep on the door to create a new door definition. If you do not create a new door definition, the door is considered the original door on the project. The change order, the pricing window, and future project shipments will not include an additional door. A good option is to use a Note prep. The Note pep creates a new door definition and allows you to add a describing note in the Property Notes.

In the Complete window:

  1. Right-click in the Door Leaf pane
Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the Door Leafs pane right-click menu and the location of Prep Selection.
Image 19: Door Leafs Pane Right-Click Menu
  1. Click Prep Selection By Group or Prep Selection By Description
  2. Search & Select the Factory Prep
Click image to enlarge
Prep search & Select window; shows the selected prep and the location of the Add button.
Image 20: Prep Search & Select window
  1. Click Add

If this is a Note prep:

  1. Right-click in the Selected pane
Click image to enlarge
Select Prerps/Parts/In-house Labor & Kits window; shows the Selected pane right-click menu and the location of Edit Properties.
Image 21: Selected Pane Right-Click Menu
  1. Click Edit Properties
  2. Enter a note in the Property Value field
Click image to enlarge
Property Values window; shows the added property value.
Image 22: Note Prep Property Value
  1. Click OK
  2. Click OK

The door now has a factory prep differentiating it from the original door.

Adding Frames

Adding a frame follows the same principles as Adding Doors. If you require a new frame that is the same manufacturer and type, Complete the steps above in the Frame pane, adding factory preps for:

  • Head
  • Hinge jamb
  • Strike jamb

Adding Hardware

*Note: Consider hardware headings and their openings when making changes to hardware.

Add hardware as usual, including the preps and associated properties. Adding new hardware items automatically adds associated preps to doors and frames, which creates new definitions for these products.

If you do not require a new door or frame with the new hardware, you must reload the original to prevent the new definition. 

Reloading Original Doors or Frame

In the Door Leafs or Frame pane:

  1. Right-click on the product line item
  2. Click Reload (As Built) Door or Frame
Click image to enlarge
Change Order window; shows the frame line item right-click menu and the location of Reload (As Built) Frame.
Image 23: Frame Right-Click Menu

The line item will revert back to the original.

Deleting Products from Existing Openings

Deleting Doors

To delete doors you can either:

Checking the BYO Checkbox

Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the location of the BYO checkbox in the Door Leafs pane.
Image 24: BYO Checkbox

Clearing the Door Line Item

In the Door Leafs pane:

  1. Right-click in the Mfg Code field
Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the Manufacture Code right-click menu and the location of Clear.
Image 25: Door Leafs Pane Right-Click Menu
  1. Click Clear

The door leaf line item is now deleted.

Deleting Frames

Deleting frames follows the same principles as deleting doors. Complete the steps above in the Frame pane to delete any frames.

Deleting Hardware

*Note: Consider hardware headings and their openings when making changes to hardware.

In the Hardware pane:

  1. Update the product quantity to 0 or the amount being supplied. 
Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows a hardware product with a quantity of 0.
Image 26: Updated Hardware Qty Field

In the Qty Change dialog box:

  1. Click Yes or No accordingly
Click image to enlarge
Quantity change dialog box.
Image 27: Qty Change Dialog Box

The hardware is now deleted.

Deleting hardware headings deletes any associated preps. If the door and frame must remain as their original state, Reload the Original Doors or Frames.

Changing Products from Existing Openings

Changing products is a combination of adding and deleting the products. Follow the steps in Deleting Products from Existing Openings and Adding Products from Existing Openings to change products. Pay close attention to each affected area of the opening (door, frame, and hardware). Reload existing openings or create new frame or door leaf definitions when necessary.

Verifying Pricing

Accessing Change Order Pricing

*Note: If the original project's pricing is not up to date, you must run pricing in the original project before proceeding.

Advantage > Detailing > Pricing

Click image to enlarge
Advantage Navigation menu, shows the location of Detailing and Pricing.
Image 28: Advantage Left-Hand Navigation Menu

In the Pricing window:

  1. Open the project
  2. Select the change order
Click image to enlarge
Change Order List window; shows a selected changed order and the location of the OK button.
Image 29: Change Order List Window
  1. Click OK

In the Price Book Selection window:

  1. Update any required price book selections
Click image to enlarge
Price Book Selection window; shows the location of the OK button.
Image 30: Price Book Selection Window
  1. Click OK

You are now in the pricing window for the change order.

Verifying the Component Costing Tab

Qty Deduct and Qty Add column shows the removed and added products.

Click image to enlarge
Pricing window; shows the location of the Qty Add column and Qty Deduct column.
Image 31: Qty Deduct & Qty Add Columns

Extended Cost column shows the cost of each line item (added or deducted). The Total Extended Cost line item shows the sum of all of the change order line items.

Click image to enlarge
Pricing window; shows the location of the Extended Cost column and the Total Contract cost row.
Image 32: Extended Cost Column & Total Extended Cost Line Item

Updating Component Costing

Verify the cost for added and deleted products and complete any required component costing updates using table 1.

No credit for deleted item Change the cost on the deleted item to 0.00
Different discounts on added and deleted items Update discount strings appropriately
Particular section requirements for AIA billing Adjust the sections using the Section Change Wizard
Special tax considerations Adjust the tax in the Project and Cost Group Tax Exempt / On Cost window
Incorrect costing Exit the pricing window and Review the change order
Table 1: Costing Adjustments

Verifying the Miscellaneous Tab

If the change order only changes cost or contract amount without affecting products or openings, add those cost groups and sections here, even those with a cost of $0.00.

In the Miscellaneous tab:

  1. Right-click
Click image to enlarge
Pricing window Miscellaneous tab; shows the right-click menu and the location of Add.
Image 33: Miscellaneous Tab Right-Click Menu
  1. Click Add
    • The Miscellaneous Cost Entry window will open
  2. Select the Section and Cost Group
Click image to enlarge
Miscellaneous Cost Entry window; shows the Section and Cost Group fields.
Image 34: Section & Cost Group Fields
  1. Enter a note
  2. Enter the cost
Click image to enlarge
Miscellaneous Cost Entry window; shows the location of the Note field and Cost field
Image 35: Note & Cost Fields
  1. Click OK
  2. Repeat steps 1-6 for any other costs

The change order now has miscellaneous costs.

Verifying the Project Pricing Tab

The Project Pricing tab shows you the estimated cost, detailed cost, detailed markup, and contract amount.

Click image to enlarge
Pricing window Project Pricing tab; shows the location of Estimated Cost, Detailed Cost, Detailed Markup%, and Contract Amount columns.
Image 36: Estimated Cost, Detailed Cost, Detailed Markup, & Contract Amount Columns

Any selling prices (contract amount) of the original products are gone. You must add a detailed markup to create the selling price of the change order. If you do not update the detailed markup, you are selling the change order products at cost. You can update each line item individually if the credit and charge amounts differ.

If the net effect to the customer should be 0.00, update the Deduct lines to equal the Add lines.

*Note: If there are Add and Deduct lines, do not round the total or the sectional total. The math does not work when dividing positive and negative values. The results are inaccurate. 

Updating the Detailed Markup Column

In the Detailed Markup % or $ column:

  1. Enter the markup rate
    • Synchronizing Market Percent window will open

If all product markups are the same percentage:

  1. Click Yes
Click image to enlarge
Pricing window Project Pricing tab; shows the updated Detailed Markup% column.
Image 37: Updated Detailed Markup %
  1. Check the Locked Contract checkbox
    • All updated line items in the section will check
Click image to enlarge
Pricing window Project Pricing tab; shows Locked Contract checkboxes.
Image 38: Locked Contract Checkboxes
  1. Click Save & Close

Your change order pricing is up to date. 

Creating the Change Order Report

The Change Order report shows all added and deleted components. The Change Order report allows you to see the impact of the change orders on all sections of the project. You can print the Change Order report with specifications to show:

  • Individual prices
  • Bulk prices
  • Taxes

Accessing Reports

*Note: This procedure uses the new submittal report window.

Advantage > Detailing > Reports

Click image to enlarge
Advantage Navigation menu; shows the locatin of Detailing and Reports.
Image 39: Advantage Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Selecting Change Order Report Preferences

In the Report window Report List pane:

  1. Select Change Order report
  2. Open the project

In the Parameters pane:

  1. Click the Value button on the Change Order line item
    • Change Order Selection window will open
Click image to enlarge
Report window; shows the location Select Change order button.
Image 40: Select Value Button
  1. Select the change order
Click image to enlarge
Change Order Selection window; shows the selected change order and the location of the OK button.
Image 41: Change Order Selection Window
  1. Click OK
  2. Update any content parameters
    • E.g. Show Detailed Pricing and Show Taxes
Click image to enlarge
Report window; shows the location of the Showed Detailed Pricing checkbox.
Image 42: Show Detailed Pricing Checkbox
  1. Update the formatting parameters
  2. Export the Change Order report
Click image to enlarge
Change Order report example.
Image 43: Change Order Report
  1. Review each opening on the Change Order report

If the Change Order report shows changes you were not expecting (e.g. frame being added and deleted), return to the Complete window, correct the change order, and reverify pricing. 

You now have a Change Order report showing the total cost and taxes. Send the report to the contractor for approval. 

Waiting for Change Order Approval

All change orders awaiting approval show as yellow line items in the Complete window.

Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the yellow line items from an unapproved change order.
Image 44: Change Orders Awaiting Approval

In this example, the Open Hand column is still LHR. To review the change order:

  1. Click Change Order
    • Select a Change Order window will open
  2. Select the change order
  3. Click OK

The change order request is now complete. When you are ready to move forward with the approved change order, you must Sell the Change Order.

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