How to: Open and close a cash drawer.
Environment: Comsense Enterprise
In this article:
- Using Cash Drawers in Comsense
- Accessing Cash Drawer
- Opening a Cash Drawer
- Cashing Out a Cash Drawer
- Closing a Cash Drawer
Using Cash Drawers in Comsense
Cash drawers act like retail store cash drawers, each cash drawer:
- Can only have one cashier at a time
- Can have a float
- Requires a cash-out when closing the cash drawer
You need a cash drawer any time you move money around in the system. This includes:
- Processing customer payments
- When a customer has 0.00 available credit or insufficient credit
- Applying a deposit to an order
- Completing a shipment that has a deposit
Accessing Cash Drawer
Enterprise > Order Entry > Cash Drawer

Opening a Cash Drawer
In the fillable line item:
- Select the cash drawer

- Select the cashier

In the Float pane:
- Add any applicable float money

In the top toolbar:
- Click Release
- Click Save & Close
The cash drawer is now ready for use in the system.
Deleting Float Line Items
In the Float pane:
- Right-click on the line item

- Click Delete Float
The float line item is deleted.
Cashing Out a Cash Drawer
Before closing a cash drawer there must be an unreconciled difference of 0.00. To achieve an unreconciled difference of 0.00, cash-out the difference.

In the Cash-out pane, Enter the denominations and quantity of the cash-out.

The unreconciled difference is now 0.00 and you can close the cash drawer.
Closing a Cash Drawer
In the Cash Drawer window:
- Select the cash drawer line item
- Click Close

- Click Confirm

- Click Save & Close
The cash drawer is now closed.
*Note: It is important to confirm the cash drawer because it is the transaction that creates the general ledger journal entry and removes the cash drawer from the list of open cash drawers.
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