Handling a One-Cent Rounding Balance on Sales Orders with Deposits

Issue: The last shipment of a multi-shipment sales order rounds to an aftertax total exceeding the aftertax sales order amount. You cannot satisfy the required payment amount because the deposit is short by one cent. 

How to: distribute a one-cent rounding balance when applying payments in the Shipment window. This procedure applies to COD or cash-sale sales orders that have a deposit against it.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

Accessing Customer Payment

Enterprise > Receivables/ Invoicing > Customer Payment

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation Menu; shows location of Receivables/Invoicing and Customer Payments.
Image 1: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Applying the $0.01 Payment

In the Customer Payment window:

  1. Enter the invoice number of the first invoice from the sales order in the Invoices field
  2. Leave the Payment Received field at 0.00
  3. Enter a note in the Note field
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payments window; shows location of the Invoices field, Payment Received field, and Note field.
Image 2: Customer Payment Window Top Pane Fields

In the Invoices pane on the Filter line item:

  1. Enter the invoice number in the Invoice # column
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payments window; shows location of the filter by Invoice Number field.
Image 3: Invoice # Filter Field

On the invoice line item:

  1. Enter 0.01 in the Payment Applied field
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payments window; shows location of the Payment Applied field.
Image 4: Payment Applied Field

The invoice now has a one-cent payment.

Adding the -$0.00 Adjustment

In the Invoices pane:

  1. Right-click
  2. Click Add Adjustments
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payments window; shows the Invoice pane right-click menu and Add Adjustments.
Image 5: Invoice Pane Right-Click Menu

In the Adjustments line item:

  1. Select the account
    • E.g. Write-off Amounts
  2. Enter -0.01 in the Adjustments field
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payments window; shows the location of the Accoutn field and Adjustment field
Image 6: Account & Adjustment Fields

In the Note field

  1. Enter a detailed note
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payment window; shows the location of the Note field.
Image 7: Adjustment Note
  1. Click Save & Close
  2. Proceed with the sales order payments as usual

The one-cent rounding balance is now accounted for.

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