Projects: Customer Return

How to: Complete a customer return on a project.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

  1. Understanding Customer Returns on a Project
  2. Accessing Customer Returns
  3. Completing the Customer Return Wizard
  4. Completing the Customer Return Information
    1. Adding Notes
    2. Updating Quantity
    3. Updating the Remaining Line Item Fields
  5. Generating the Customer Return Pickup Slip
  6. Completing the Customer Return
  7. After the customer return
    1. Providing a Replacement Product
    2. Returning the Product to the Supplier
    3. Returning the Product to Stock
    4. Reusing the Product in a Change Order

Understanding Customer Returns on a Project

Unlike sales order customer returns, project customer returns:

  • Create a demand for a new product in the project
  • Remove the original product from the project's shipped list
  • Do not automatically issue a credit to the customer
  • Do not have a restocking charge field
  • May require a change order

Accessing Customer Returns

Enterprise > Order Entry > Customer Return

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows the location of Order Entry and Customer Return.
Image 1: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Completing the Customer Return Wizard

In the Customer Return top toolbar:

  1. Click New
    • The Customer Return Wizard will open
  2. Click Next
  3. Open the project
  4. Click Next
    • All shipped items from the project are in the Assigned Pane
  5. Select the return products by either:
    • Removing all products & Adding the return products
    • Removing the non-return products individually
Click image to enlarge
Customer Return Wizard; shows the Line Item Selection page of the wizard.
Image 2: Customer Return Wizard Line Item Selection
  1. Click Next
  2. Click Finish

The selected products are now in a customer return for this project.

Completing the Customer Return Information

Adding Notes

In the Customer Return window:

  1. Enter a note detailing the return
Click image to enlarge
Customer Return window; shows the Note field with an example note.
Image 3: Note Field

To copy the note to all line items without a note:

  1. Click Duplicate Note
Click image to enlarge
Customer Return window; shows the location of the Duplicate Note button and the copied notes in the return line items.
Image 4: Duplicate Note Button

The main note field is now on the return line items.

Updating Quantity

On the return item line items:

  1. Click the Qty Returned button
Click image to enlarge
Customer Return window; shows the location of the Qty Returned button.
Image 5: Qty Returned Button

In the Customer Return Openings window:

  1. Check the Returned checkbox for the return items
  2. Click OK
Click image to enlarge
Customer Return Openings window; shows the checked Returned checkbox and the location of the OK button.
Image 6: Customer Return Openings Window
  1. Repeat steps 1-3 for all line items
Click image to enlarge
Customer Return window; shows the updated Qty Returned fields.
Image 7: Updated Qty Returned Fields

The line items now have return quantities.

Updating the Remaining Line Item Fields

In the return line items:

  1. Select the suggested disposition
Click image to enlarge
Customer Return window; shows the Suggested Disposition drop-down menu.
Image 8: Suggested Disposition Drop-Down Menu
  1. Select the warehouse location
  2. Check any applicable checkboxes
    1. Project Protected
      • The product is only available for sourcing on this project
    2. Pickup Required
      • The product requires pickup from the customer
  3. Click Save
    • The status will update to Open

The return line items are now complete.

Generating the Customer Return Pickup Slip

In the Customer Return top toolbar:

  1. Click Print
    • The Generate Report window will open
  2. Select any preferences in the Parameters pane
  3. Select the export method
Click image to enlarge
Example of a Customer Return Pickup Slip.
Image 9: Customer Return Pickup Slip

You now have the customer return pickup slip.


Completing the Customer Return

After you receive the returned product, you can begin completing the customer return. It is important to make sure the customer return matches the returned products.

In the Customer Return window:

  1. Open the customer return
  2. Update any quantities based on the return items
Click image to enlarge
Customer Return window; shows an updated Qty Return field on one of the line items.
Image 10: Updated Qty Return Field
  1. Uncheck the Pickup Required checkbox

If the product is available for other orders:

  1. Check the Available checkbox
Click image to enlarge
Customer Return window; shows the unchecked Pickup Required checkboxes and the checked Available checkboxes.
Image 11: Available & Pickup Required Checkboxes

In the Status field:

  1. Select Released
Click image to enlarge
Customer Return window; shows the Released status.
Image 12: Released Customer Return Status

Tip: Review the customer return carefully because you cannot update the fields after the customer return is saved as Released.

  1. Click Save

After you inspect the returned product:

  1. Update the status to Completed
  2. Click Save

The product is now in the pool and the items are no longer sourced on the project. 

After the Customer Return

After the customer return is complete, you must update the project and handle the returned product accordingly to reconcile the general ledger transactions. 

Providing a Replacement Product

If the customer requires a replacement product due to damage etc., proceed as usual with sourcing.

Returning the Product to the Supplier

  1. Complete the Supplier Return to determine the product value from the supplier
  2. Create a Change Order where you:
    1. Remove the product
    2. Apply the determined product value

Returning the Product to Stock

  1. Inspect the returned product to determine the value
  2. Create a Change Order where you:
    1. Remove the product
    2. Apply the determined product value

Reusing the Product in the Change Order

The customer may be returning the product for a modification due to a change e.g. returning a door that requires a new prep to accommodate the new hardware.

  1. Create a Change Order where you:
    1. Reload the original product
    2. Add product modifications
  2. Source the opening as usual
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