Issuing a Credit Card Refund

How to: Refund a customer payment made by credit card.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

  1. Before Refunding the Payment
  2. Accessing Customer Payment
  3. Opening the Invoice for Refund
  4. Processing the Refund

Before Refunding the Payment

Before refunding the payment to the customer, you must complete the Customer Return and have a credit invoice to process against the refund.

Click image to enlarge
Example of credit invoice.

Accessing Customer Payment

Enterprise > Receivables/Invoicing > Customer Payment

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows the location of Receivables/Invoicing and Customer Payment.

Opening the Invoice for Refund

In the Customer Payment window:

  1. Click New
  2. Click Customer Payment

In the Invoices field:

  1. Enter the invoice number
  2. Press Tab
    • The Invoices pane will populate
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payment window; shows the credit invoice in the Invoices field.
  1. Filter & Select the invoice line item
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payment window; shows the credit invoice line item.

Processing the Refund

In the Customer Payment window:

  1. Enter the refund amount as a negative value in the Payment Received field
  2. Press Tab
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payment window; shows the Payment Received field with a negative payment.
  1. Update the payment method to Visa - MC
  2. Enter any applicable notes
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payment window; shows the updated Payment Method field and a note in the Note field.

In the invoice line item's Payment Applied field:

  1. Enter the refund amount as a negative value
  2. Press Tab
    • The Invoice Balance field will update
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payment window; shows the updated Payment Applied field in the invoice line item.
  1. Enter the journal date
Click image to enlarge
Customer Payment window; shows location of Journal Date.
  1. Click Save

The customer refund transaction is now in the general ledger and the customer return invoice balance is at $0.00.

*Note: The refund amount will display as a negative amount in the cash drawer. Reconcile the difference with the credit transaction receipt.

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