Completing Project Requirements

How to: Prepare your project for completion by completing all outstanding items.

Environment: Comsense Advantage & Enterprise

In this article:

Determining Incomplete Project Requirements

Comsense does not allow you to complete a project that has outstanding items. If you are unsure which items to review, Set the project status to Completed. A dialog box will open detailing any issues requiring your attention.

Click image to enlarge
Completing Project Requirements window; lists all incomplete projects requirements.
Image 1: Completing Project Requirements Window

Resolving Incomplete Project Requirements

To resolve the incomplete project requirements, you must:

  • Investigate each incomplete item
  • Determine why the item is incomplete
  • Resolve the issue accordingly

Always complete the project requirements in the order listed in this article. It is important to follow the order below because all parts of a project are linked and prompt other actions in the system. There is not a single method to resolve all outstanding items. This article includes guidelines on cleaning-up the outstanding items in your project.

Costing Not Up-To-Date

Issue: Out-of-date costing compromises the accuracy of all the project's products and pricing.

Resolution: Update Project Costing.

Notes: If you receive error messages when you update project costing, you must resolve the errors before successfully updating the project costing.

Incomplete Purchase Orders, Stock Requisitions, & Work Orders

Issue: Incomplete purchase orders, stock requisitions, and work orders indicate to the system that the project has product to receive and/or ship.

Resolution: Review all incomplete transactions and complete or delete the transactions.

You can review and filter all the project's incomplete transactions in the Order Management window. The Order Management window displays all transaction types and transaction data. You can filter and open the transactions in the Order Management window.

Accessing Order Management

Enterprise > Order Management > Order Management

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows the location of Order Management and Order Management.
Image 2: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Opening the Project

In the Order Management window, Open the project.

Click image to enlarge
Order Management window with an open project.
Image 3: Order Management Window

Resolving Incomplete Purchase Orders, Stock Requisitions, or Work Orders

To complete a project, you must complete or delete all:

  • Purchase Orders
  • Stock Requisitions
  • Work Orders

In the Order Management window:

  1. Click the Transaction tab
    • E.g. Purchase Order tab
Click image to enlarge
Order Management window; shows the location of the Purchase Orders tab.
Image 4: Purchase Order Tab
  1. Filter the status column to all open and released orders Using the Custom Filter Tool
Click image to enlarge
Custom Filter window; shows the custom filter for all Open and Released statuses.
Image 5: Custom Status Filter
  1. Determine whether the released items are either:
    1. Delayed; or
    2. Need to be unsourced
  2. Follow up with any necessary parties to resolve the issue

If a purchase order is released and fully received:

  1. Check if the payable is received or released for payment

Unrequisitioned Product for a Work Order

Issue: There is an open or released work order and the required product order is not sourced. 

Resolution: Complete the sourcing and the work order or Unsource the product.

Material Ready to Ship

Issue: You must ship and invoice all sourced material before completing a project. 

Resolution: Review the ready to ship material in the Ready To Ship Management Window and Ship Any Required Shipments.

*Note: Before shipping all ready to ship material, Resolve Incomplete Purchase Orders, Stock Requisitions, and Work Orders.

Click image to enlarge
Ready To Ship Management window; shows a selected project in the top pane and the associated product to ship in the bottom pane.
Image 6: Project in Ready To Ship Management

Miscellaneous Cost in WIP

Issue: You cannot complete a project with anything in WIP.

Resolution: Ship the miscellaneous cost and Invoice the shipment.

*Note: Shipping a miscellaneous cost functions the same as shipping a product.

Miscellaneous Cost Ready To Invoice

Issue: You cannot complete a project with outstanding balance(s) to invoice.

Resolution: Invoice the miscellaneous cost.

Shipments Ready to Invoice

Issue: You cannot complete a project that has uninvoiced shipments.

Resolution: Review shipments in the Shipment Management window and Invoice the shipments.

Shipment Management Wizard Criteria

On the Status/Division page, select:

  • Status: Complete
  • Order Selection: Projects
  • Invoiced: No
Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management wizard, Status/Division Selection page; shows the selected criteria or Status, Order selection, and Invoiced fields.
Image 7: Shipment Management Wizard

Reviewing the Shipment Management Window

In the shipment management window:

  1. Filter by order number
Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management window; shows the shipments filtered by order number.
Image 8: Shipment Management Window
  1. Review the shipment date
  2. Open the shipment
  3. Check for a signed packing slip

If there is no packing slip:

  1. Follow up with the customer and confirm receipt
  2. Invoice the shipment

If there is a packing slip:

  1. Follow up with the appropriate department

Open Activities

Issue: You cannot complete a project with open activities.

Resolution: Complete or delete all the open activities.

*Note: See Using the Activities Tool for more information on activities.

In the Activities List window:

  1. Filter by project number and Open status
Click image to enlarge
Activity List window; shows list filtered by Project/Order and Status.
Image 9: Filtered Activity List

On the open activity line item:

  1. Click the Subject
    • The Activity window will open
Click image to enlarge
Activity List window; shows the location of the Subject field.
Image 10: Subject Field
  1. Update the activity status to Closed or Deleted
Click image to enlarge
Activity window; shows the Status field drop-down list.
Image 11: Activity Status Drop-Down List
  1. Click Save & Close

The activity is no longer open. 

Balance to Invoice

Issue: You cannot complete a project if the total invoiced amount does not equal the contract amount.

Resolution: Review the balance to invoice and Invoice the balance or Reduce the contract amount by Creating a Change Order.

Reviewing the Balance to Invoice

To review the balance to invoice:

  1. Access the Order Management window
  2. Open the project

To review balance to invoice by cost group:

  1. Click the Summary tab
  2. Review the Balance to Invoice column
Click image to enlarge
Order Management window; shows the Balance to Invoice column in the Summary tab.
Image 12: Balance To Invoice Column

To review balance to invoice by opening:

  1. Click the Product tab
  2. Review the Qty To Invoice column
Click image to enlarge
Order Management window; shows the Quantity to Invoice column in the Products tab.
Image 13: Qty To Invoice Column

Invoicing the Balance

If the balance to invoice is supposed to be invoiced, Invoice the remaining items.

Not Invoicing the Balance

If you are not invoicing the remaining balance, Reduce the contract amount to match the total invoiced by Creating a Change Order.

Product in Pool

Issue: All work in process product, including unsourced product and customer returns, go to the pool and remains associated with the project until you deal with the product.

Resolution: Complete a pool to stock transfer, pool to garbage transfer, or a Supplier Return to remove the product from the project's WIP.

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