How to: Use the activities tool.
Environment: Comsense Enterprise
In this article:
Understanding Activities
The Activities tool is an area of the software where you organize, manage, and track tasks. Comsense has two types of activities, which are general activities and cross-referenced activities. General activities are unrelated to a specific transaction or business document e.g. a reminder to review all unpaid invoices. Cross-referenced activities are directly related to a specific transaction or business document e.g. a reminder to follow-up with a specific invoice.
You can create activities in the:
- Activities window
- Quotes window
- Sales Order window
- Customer Return window
- WIP Transfer window
- Order Management window
- Receiving window
- Shipment window
- Product Master window
- Product Count window
- Stock Transfer window
- Product Assembly window
- Stock Requisition window
- Pool to Stock window
- Pool to Garbage window
- Supplier Return window
- Work Order window
- Payable window
- Check Run window
- Invoicing window
- Application for Payment window
- Customer Payment window
- Bank Deposit window
- Inspection window
Creating a New Activity
Comsense automatically determines and populates the activity category. Creating an activity from the Activities window creates a general activity. Creating an activity from a transaction window creates a cross-referenced activity with a category related to the transaction window e.g. an activity you create in the Purchase Order window will have the PurchaseOrder category. Always create the activity in the applicable window because you cannot update the category.
General Activity
You create general activities directly from the Enterprise Navigation menu. General activities can be any sort of reminder for yourself or another user e.g. Check warehouse for hinge A.
Enterprise > Activities > Activity
After creating a new activity, Fill In the Activity Window.
Cross-Referenced Activity
Cross-referenced activities relate to a specific transaction or business document. You create cross-referenced activities from the transaction's window. Creating an activity in any window other than the Activities window creates a cross-referenced activity.
In the Transaction window, Click the New Activity icon.
After creating a new activity, Fill In the Activity Window.
Filling In the Activity Window
*Note: The example below is a general activity.
For each activity, Fill in the Activity window fields & Click Save. Refer to Table 1 for field descriptions.
Click here to expand Table 1
Receiving Activity Alerts
If you set an alert date and time in the Activity window, you receive an activity alert. The Alert automatically opens in the software as a reminder to complete or update the activity accordingly.
In the Alert List window, you can:
- Dismiss the selected alert
- Dismiss all alerts
- Open the selected activity to update
- Snooze the activity for a desired amount of time
Updating the Activity Status
In the Activity window, Select the appropriate status and Click Save & Close.
Accessing Activity Lists
You can access a list of all activities in the system or a list of activities related to a single transaction or business document. The Activity List window always functions the same. The top pane of the window lists the activities in the system that are viewable to you. The bottom pane of the window lists any cross-reference documents related to the activity selected in the top pane.
Accessing All Activities
To access the list of entire activities accessible to you, access the Activities window. The Activities List window will populate with all activities in the system accessible to you.
Enterprise > Activities > Activities
Accessing a Transaction's Activities
To view a list of activities related to one transaction, Open the transaction (e.g. open the purchase order) and Click the Activity List icon. The Activities List window will populate with all the activities related to the transaction accessible to you.
Using the Activity List Window
The main functions of the Activity List window are:
Filtering the Activity List
You can use the filter line item to filter activities with specific criteria. To filter activities, Enter the filter criteria in the top line item and the list will update.
Opening an Activity
To open an activity from the Activity List window Click the Subject.
Opening Cross-Reference Documents
To open a cross-reference document, Click the Document Reference.
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