How to: Use the Ready To Ship Management Window.
Environment: Comsense Enterprise
In this article:
Understanding the Ready To Ship Management Window
The main purpose of the Ready To Ship Management window is to:
- View a list of projects and/or sales order that have product ready to ship AND meet a specific criteria
- E.g. ready to ship product from projects in division 001 with inside sales by Bob Sales
- View a list of the unshipped product for a selected project or sales order
- View which products are ready to ship
Ready to ship product is any product from a sales order or project where the purchase order is received or the stock requisition and/or work order is complete. The Ready To Ship Management window pulls a list of projects and sales orders based on the criteria you select in the Ready To Ship Management Wizard. The Ready To Ship Management wizard automatically launches when you Access Ready To Ship Management.
Project & Sales Order Pane
The Project & Sales Order pane is the top pane of the Ready To Ship Management window. The Project & Sales Order pane lists the projects and sales orders that meet the criteria from the Ready to Ship Management wizard. Each line item has all the default information for the customer. The Ship Complete checkbox is for sales orders requiring all product shipped at once. Comsense does not allow partial shipments for these sales orders. You can only edit the Ship Complete checkbox in the Sales Order window.

Product Pane
The Product pane is the middle pane of the Ready To Ship Management window. The Product pane displays each product line item from the selected project or sales order in the Project & Sales Order panes. Each product line item displays the quantity:
- Ordered
- Ready to ship
- Shipped
- In storage
- Balance to ship

Change Order Pane
The Change Order pane is the bottom pane of the Ready To Ship Management window. The Change Order pane lists all change orders associated with the selected project in the Project & Sales Order pane.

Accessing Ready To Ship Management
Enterprise > Shipping/Receiving > Ready To Ship Management

Ready To Ship Management Wizard
The Ready To Ship Management wizard pulls a list of ready to ship product that meets ALL criteria you select in the wizard.

Order & Division Selection Page
On the Order and Division Selection page, you select the order type(s) and division criteria. The Ready To Ship Management wizard automatically:
- Selects All order types
- Assigns all divisions
In the Order Selection drop-down list:
- Select the applicable order type(s)

In the Assigned Divisions pane:
- Select the applicable divisions

- Click Next
Customer Selection Page
The Customer Selection page automatically assigns all Customers to the Assigned Customers pane.
Select the applicable customers and Click Next.

Inside Sales Selection Page
The Inside Sales Selection page automatically assigns all inside sales representatives.
Select the applicable sales representatives and Click Next.

Reviewing Ready to Ship Products
The Ready To Ship Management window displays all orders that:
- Have product ready to ship
- Meet the criteria from the Ready To Ship Management wizard
In the Project & Sales Order pane:
- Select the Project or Sales Order for review

In the Product pane:
- Create a Custom Filter for the Ready to Ship column
- E.g. Does not equal 0

- Review the products that are ready to ship
- Determine which products to ship
Shipping Product from the Ready To Ship Management Window
If you ship from the Ready To Ship Management window, the Shipping wizard prepopulates with the project or sales order information and the shippable product.
In the Project & Sales Order pane, left of the order number, Click New and Complete the Shipping Wizard.

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