Shipment Management Window

 How to: Use the Shipment Management Window.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

Understanding the Shipment Management Window

The main purpose of the Shipment Management window is to:

  • View a list of shipments that meet specific criteria
    • E.g. open and released shipments for Customer A
  • View all the information from the shipments in one list
  • View the products on a shipment without opening the shipment

The Shipment Management window pulls a list of shipments using the criteria you select in the Shipment Management wizard. The Shipment Management wizard automatically launches when you Access Shipment Management. Before starting the Shipment Management wizard, it is important to know the criteria requirements.

Shipment Criteria Example

Status: Shipped

Order type: Sales Orders

Invoice status: No (not invoiced)

Divisions: Division 1

Customer: MGA Doors and Hardware

Inside Sales Associates: All

Project Managers: All

Accessing Shipment Management

Enterprise > Shipping/Receiving > Shipment Management

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows the location of Shipping/Receiving and Shipment Management.
Image 1: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Completing the Shipment Management Wizard

Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management wizard; Welcome page.
Image 2: Shipment Management Wizard Welcome Page

Status/Division Selection Page

On the Status/Division Selection page, you select the applicable status and division criteria. Shipments that meet the status and division criteria will populate the Shipment Management window. The Shipment Management wizard automatically:

  • Selects:
    • Open status
    • Released status
    • Shipped status
  • Selects All:
    • Order types
      • I.e. projects and sales orders
    • Invoice statuses
      • I.e. invoiced and not invoiced
  • Assigns all divisions

In the Status pane:

  1. Uncheck the inapplicable statuses
  2. Check the applicable statuses
Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management wizard, Status/Division Selection page; shows examples of unselected statuses.
Image 3: Status Checkboxes

In the Order Selection field:

  1. Select the applicable order type(s)
Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management wizard, Status/Division Selection page; shows the Order Selection field drop-down list.
Image 4: Order Selection Drop-Down List

In the Invoiced field:

  1. Select the applicable invoice status(es)
Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management wizard, Status/Division Selection page; shows the Invoiced field drop-down list.
Image 5: Invoiced Drop-Down List

In the Unassigned Divisions & Assigned Divisions Panes:

  1. Select the applicable division(s) Using the Selection Tool
Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management wizard, Status/Division Selection page; shows an example of one division in the Assigned Divisions pane.
Image 6: Assigned Division
  1. Click Next

Customer Selection Page

The Customer Selection page automatically assigns all Customers to the Assigned Customers pane.

Using the Selection Tool, Select the applicable customer(s) and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management wizard, Customer Selection page; shows an example of one customer in the Assigned Customers pane.
Image 7: Assigned Customer

Inside Sales Selection Page

The Inside Sales Selection page automatically assigns all inside sales associates to the Assigned Inside Sales pane.

Using the Selection Tool, Select the applicable inside sales associate(s) and Click Next.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management wizard, Inside Sales Selection page; shows the location of the Assigned Inside Sales pane.
Image 8: Assigned Inside Sales Associates

Project Managers Selection Page

The Project Managers Selection page automatically assigns all Project Managers to the Assigned Project Managers pane.

Using the Selection Tool, Select the applicable project manager(s) and Click Finish.

*Note: If you have not set the last page of the Shipment wizard to "Do not show this Finish page again.", Click Next and Click Finish.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management wizard, Project Manager Selection page; shows the location of the Assigned Project Managers pane.
Image 9: Assigned Project Managers

Using the Shipment Management Window

The main functions in the Shipment Management Window are:

  1. Viewing the List of Shipments and Shipment Line Items
  2. Filtering Shipments with Custom Filters
  3. Exporting Shipment Lists
  4. Opening Shipments
  5. Viewing the Total Price of All Listed Shipments

Viewing the List of Shipments and Shipment Line Items

The Shipment Management window shows you a list of all shipments that meet the criteria from the Shipment Management wizard. You can see more specific information about a shipment by selecting the shipment line item in the top pane and reviewing the details in the bottom pane.

Shipment Pane

The Shipment pane is the top pane of the Shipment Management window and displays each shipment as a line item. Each line item has all the information found in the Shipment window and relevant customer information.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management window; shows the Shipment pane is the top pane.
Image 10: Purchase Order Pane

Shipment Line Item Pane

The Shipment Line Item pane is the bottom pane of the Shipment Management window and displays each shipment line item from the selected shipment in the Shipment pane. The shipment line item has all the same fields as the shipment line items the Shipment window.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management window; shows the Shipment Line Item pane is the Bottom pane.
Image 11: Shipment Line Items Pane

Filtering Shipments with Customer Filters

You can create custom filters in the management windows to view a very specific list of shipments. Create a custom filter for any column using the Custom Filter Tool.

Click image to enlarge
Custom Filter window; shows an example of a customer filter for shipped date.
Image 12: Custom Filter Window

Exporting Shipment Lists

You can export filtered lists to Clipboard, Word, Excel, or PDF. This function is useful for exporting lists to track follow-ups or sending follow-up lists to certain customers e.g. filtering and exporting a list of shipped shipments with no invoices that were shipped a while ago. Export a list using the List Export Tool.

Click image to enlarge
Excel window; shows an example export list.
Image 13: Exported Shipment List

Opening the Original Order

To open the original order in the Order Management window, Click the Order Number.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management window; shows the location of the Order Number field.
Image 14: Order # Field

Opening Shipment

To open one of the shipments in the Shipment window, Click the Shipment Number.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management window; shows the location oft he Shipment Number field.
Image 15: Shipment # Field

Viewing the Total Cost of All Listed Shipments

The total cost of all listed shipments is below the list of shipments in the Cost column.

Click image to enlarge
Shipment Management window; shows the location of the Total Cost field.
Image 16: Total Cost Field
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