Enterprise Report Descriptions

Reports in Enterprise present specific system data relating to customers, products, or finances. The report types include single transactions such as purchase order or packing slips and more complex information such as Purchase Order Analysis. The Generate Report window opens before creating any report. The Generate Report window allows you to select report criteria and parameters e.g. selecting certain fiscal periods, accounts, divisions, etc.

*Note: Not all reports are in alphabetical order in the table below, to find a specific report: Press Ctrl+F and Type the report name.


Report Name Purpose Notes

Accounts Payable


Lists all payables with an amount owing. Shows payable age, total owing per supplier, division, and grand total.  

Accounts Receivable

(Invoice Register)

Lists all invoices and invoice information from the selected time period. Shows grand total.  

Accounts Receivable


Lists all invoices with an amount owed. Shows invoice age, total owing per customer, division, and grand total. Select from the Select a Report drop-down list in the Accounts Receivable Generate Report window.
Accrued Payables Lists all receivings without payables applied. Shows grand total and total accrued payables per supplier and division.  

Application for


Generates an Application for Payment report for AIA billing for any open, released, or complete application for payment from a project in Advantage. Can generate multiple applications for payment at once.
Backlog Lists all sold projects and/or sales orders with a balance to invoice. Shows all costs, balance to invoice, and WIP costs.  Sorted by inside sales or project manager.
Balance Sheet Statement of assets, liabilities, and capital of the company at a particular point in time. Can show comparisons to the previous year or the previous fiscal period.  
Bank Reconciliation Generates a Bank Reconciliation report for any open or completed bank reconciliation in Enterprise. Sorted by cleared and uncleared transactions.
Booking Listing Lists all sold projects and sales orders from the selected time period. Sorted by inside sales, outside sales, or project manager.
Check Register Lists all checks issued in the selected bank account in the selected time period.  


Payment Form

Generates the 1099 tax form. For consultants, casual labor, etc.
Customer Payments Lists all customer payments from the selected time period. Shows payment method, bank account, daily total, cashier for each payment. Includes less detail than the Customer Payments Excel report. Sorted by payment date and/or deposit date.

Customer Payments


Lists all customer payments from the selected time period in an Excel sheet. Includes more detail than the Customer Payments report. Use to filter, select, and analyze customer payment data.  Sorted by payment date.
Customer Return Generates a Pick-Up slip for any open customer return.  
Customer Statement Lists all invoices with outstanding balances for the selected customer(s) as of the selected date. Includes invoice total and invoice balance. Shows retainage and interest by default.  

Customer Statement


Lists all sales order and/or project invoices for a customer in the selected time period. Includes invoice total and balance. Shows interest, retainage, and aging by default.  

General Ledger

Account Detail

Lists each general ledger account opening balance, transactions, and closing balance for the selected fiscal periods.  
Inspection Generates an Inspection report for any open or completed inspections. Open inspections generate a blank report for the site inspection and completed inspections generate a report with data from the inspection.  
Installation Openings Generates a detailed checklist of all products on an opening to track the opening installation and verification for a project. Prints one checklist per opening.
Opening Checklist Generates a checklist of every opening in a project to track the completion of opening installations. Select from the Select a Report drop-down list in the Installation Openings Generate Report window.
Invoice Generates a customer invoice for any existing invoice in Enterprise.  
Invoice Details Excel Lists the invoice line item details from all sales order invoices in the selected time period in an Excel sheet. Use to filter, select, and analyze data.  
Invoices Excel Lists all unpaid invoices (by default). Parameter selection includes customer and inside sales. Use to filter, select, and analyze data.  

Metal Door

Purchase Order

Generates a metal door purchase order for any open, released, or completed metal door purchase order in Enterprise. Layout options include generic, Ceco, Curries, or Steelcraft layout. Select the appropriate layout from the Select a Report drop-down list.

Metal Frame

Purchase Order

Generates a metal frame purchase order for any open, released, or completed metal frame purchase orders in Enterprise. Layout options include generic, Ceco, Curries, or Steelcraft layout. Prints elevations and materials list by default. Select the appropriate layout from the Select a Report drop-down list.

Miscellaneous Cost

Purchase Order

N/A, miscellaneous cost purchase orders are now included in standard purchase orders.  

Opening Product


Generates opening product labels from an existing sales order, receiving, purchase order, stock requisition, work order, or shipment in Enterprise.  
Order Analysis Lists all projects and sales orders with details. Shows contract amount, estimated cost, detailed costs, estimated gross margin, detailed gross margin, balance to invoice, balance of cost, and margin balance. Sorted by cost group.
Packing Slip Generates a shipment packing slip for any existing shipment in Enterprise.  

Payable Purchase

Order Variance

Lists purchase orders with payable amounts that do not match the purchase order amount from the selected time period. Shows the variance amount.  
Picking Slip Generates a picking slip from an existing shipment in Enterprise. The warehouse uses picking slips to find and assemble the products on a shipment.  
Prepaid Payable Lists all purchase orders with outstanding deposits. Shows the purchase order total and the outstanding purchase order amount.  
Product Assembly Generates a work order for the product to be made for inventory from an existing product assembly in Enterprise.  
Product Count Generates a Product Count report for any existing product count in Enterprise. Does not include count values on completed counts.

Profit and Loss


Details the company's net income for a fiscal period. Can focus on specific divisions and show comparisons to the previous year, the previous fiscal period, YTD, and percentage of income. Can have multiple profit and loss models options. Add different profit and loss models in the System Options, Profit & Loss window.
Purchase Order Generates a purchase order for any existing purchase order in Enterprise.  

Purchase Order

Miscellaneous Analysis

Breaks down a purchase order's cost, receivings, and any corresponding payables.  

Purchase Order


Generates a Purchase Order Receiving report for any outstanding items on any open or released purchase orders in Enterprise.  A check-in document for the receiver
Purchase Summary Lists purchase amount (dollar value) for each supplier, month to date and year to date. Shows grand total of all supplier purchases.  
Quote Generates any existing quotes from Enterprise.   
Receiving Generates a Receiving report for any existing receiving in Enterprise. Shows costs by default.  
Sales Overview of sales for the selected customer(s).  Sorted by inside sales, customer, division, or region.
Sales Journal Lists all sales in a selected time period. Shows cost as of the last day of the report and any cost adjustments to invoices before the selected start date. Sorted by inside sales agent.
Sales Order Generates a sales order for any existing sales order in Enterprise.  
Sales Tax Journal Lists all invoices in the selected time period. Shows invoice amount, tax-exempt amount, tax collected, and the grand total. Lists invoices with more than one tax code in each tax code category. Multiple tax codes may cause the total sales amount summary to not match the tax grand totals. Sorted by tax code. 
Sales Tax Liability Lists all sales tax owing by the company from all invoices in the selected time period. Shows grand total. Lists invoices with more than one tax code in each tax code category. Multiple tax codes may cause the total sales amount summary to not match the tax grand totals. Select the Sales Tax Liability from the Select a Report drop-down list. Sorted by tax code.


Carton Label

Generates shipment carton labels for an existing shipment in Enterprise.  


Container Label

Generates shipment container labels for an existing shipment in Enterprise.  


Not Invoiced

Lists all complete shipments that are not invoiced in Enterprise.  
Stock Requisition Generates a Stock Requisition request for any existing stock requisition in Enterprise.  
Stock Transfer Generates a Stock Transfer request for any existing stock transfer in Enterprise.  

Stock Transfers

in Transit

Lists all incomplete stock transfers. Shows total value.  
Stock Valuation Lists FIFO value of all items with Stock product status. Shows grand totals. Sorted by warehouse and product category.
Supplier Return Generates a request for a supplier return for open supplier returns and a packing slip for released supplier returns.  

Supplier Return

in Transit

Lists all incomplete supplier returns. Supplier returns are incomplete until you apply a payable to all line items. Shows grand total. Sorted by warehouse.
Unapplied Deposit Lists all unapplied customer deposits for each sales order. Shows grand total. Sorted by division.


Change Orders

Lists all change orders without values in the Approved field. Approved field location: Advantage > Project Master > Change Order tab > Approved field


Products Excel

Lists all unsourced products on sold projects and released sales orders. Use to select, filter, and analyze.  
WIP Count Lists all product in WIP. Sorted by warehouse and inside sales.
WIP Transfer Generates a WIP Transfer request for any existing WIP transfer in Enterprise.  
WIP Valuation Details the total cost of all items in WIP by product category. Shows grand totals.  

Wood Door

Purchase Order

Generates a wood door purchase order for any existing wood door purchase order in Enterprise.  
Work Order Generates a work order for any existing work order in Enterprise. Can show time required for operations. Prints elevation and material lists by default.  
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