To create in-house preps you create the prep as an in-house labor item in the Inhouse Labor Window. Each in-house labor item requires details in the In-House Labor pane, Pricing Info pane, and Shop Department Info pane. The Property Info pane is optional depending on the prep type. Always Click Save after filling out each pane.
Accessing Inhouse Labor
Advantage > Catalog Maint. > Inhouse Labor
Click image to enlargeImage 1: Advantage Left-Hand Navigation Menu
Creating an In-House Labor Line Item
In the In-House Labor pane, Right-click and Click Add.
Click image to enlargeImage 2: In-House Labor Right-Click Menu
Click image to enlargeImage 2: In-House Labor Line Item
Table 1: In-House Labor Fields
Product Category
Assigns the labor to a product category
In-House Labor
In-house labor manufacturer
Type of labor i.e. what component of the opening is the labor related to?
Long Description
Description of the in-house labor
Custom Height Strike Prep
Short Description
Reference code
Standard Group
Group used for searching for the labor when adding preps in the Doors or Frames window. You can select from the pre-existing list or enter a new group name in the field.
In-House Prep
Group Sort Sequence
The application of the labor i.e. how the labor is executed. Leave blank if no applications apply.
Hdw Prep
Associates the labor with hardware. When checked, the labor is only available in the Default Prep window.
Makes any associated product a special product that follows special product rules. Only applies when using the in-house labor in Enterprise.
Has Properties
Related to the Property Info pane. Cannot be checked.
Hardware Installation
Product Category
Relates to the hardware installation module and the information it populates. Only select the category if the labor is an installation item.
Pricing Info Pane
The Pricing Info pane lists each division at the company. Only enter the pricing information for the divisions that require the in-house labor. For each applicable division, Fill in the total labor cost and total supply cost.
Click image to enlargeImage 3: Labor Cost & Supply Cost
Shop Department Info Pane
The Shop Department Info pane is where you select the shop details for the labor by division. In the Shop Department Info pane, Right-click and Click Add.
Click image to enlargeImage 4: Shop Department Info Right-Click Menu
Fill in the shop department information using Table 2. Always fill in the shop department information for each division that requires the in-house labor.
Click image to enlargeImage 5: Shop Department Line Item
Table 2: Shop Department Fields
The division
Standard Minutes
The length of time it takes to complete the prep in minutes
Shop Department
The shop department that makes the prep after sourcing
Wood Door Shop
Custom Shop Department
Shop department for elevations
Property Info Pane
You do not have to fill out the Property Info pane if the in-house labor does not require any further clarification. Use property information for in-house labor that requires specific details or custom properties.
In the Property Info pane, Right-Click and Click Add.
Click image to enlargeImage 6: Property Info Right-Click Menu
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