Completing a Bank Deposit

How to: Complete a bank deposit in Comsense.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

  1. Accessing Bank Deposit
  2. Creating a New Bank Deposit
  3. Depositing Customer Payments
  4. Depositing Miscellaneous Cash
  5. Depositing Cash Payments
  6. Completing the Bank Deposit

Accessing Bank Deposit

Enterprise > General Ledger > Bank Deposit

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows the location of General Ledger and Bank Deposit.
Image 1: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Creating a New Bank Deposit

In the Bank Deposit window:

  1. Click New

In the Bank Account window:

  1. Select the appropriate bank account
  2. Click Open
Click image to enlarge
Bank Accouunt window; shows a selected bank accouunt and the location of the Open button.
Image 2: Bank Account Window

You now have an open Bank Deposit.

Depositing Customer Payments

The Customer Payments tab lists all payments from any cash drawer using the selected bank account. Payments only show in the Customer Payment tab if the cash drawer is closed.

To mark a payment as deposited, Check the Selected checkbox of the payment line item.

Click image to enlarge
Bank Deposit window; shows checked Selected checkboxes.
Image 3: Select Checkbox

Depositing Miscellaneous Cash

Miscellaneous cash is any cash that is not related to a transaction in Enterprise e.g. money from the office vending machine. Record any miscellaneous cash deposits in the Miscellaneous Cash Receipts tab.

In the Miscellaneous Cash Receipts tab:

  1. Select the appropriate division
  2. Click the Account button
Click image to enlarge
Bank Deposit window, Miscellaneous Cash Receipts tab; shows the location of the Account button.
Image 4: Account Button

In the Find Account window:

  1. Select a general ledger account to associate the cost with
  2. Click Open

On the miscellaneous cash receipt line item:

  1. Enter the deposit amount
  2. Enter a note
Click image to enlarge
Bank Deposit window, Miscellaneous Cash Receipts tab; shows an amouunt and note on the deposit line item.
Image 5: Amount Field & Note Field

You now have a miscellaneous cash deposit.

Depositing Cash Payments

Only use the Cash Deposit field if you take cash payments. If a cash deposit is unrelated to a customer transaction, include the amount in the Miscellaneous Cash Receipts tab.

To deposit customer cash payments, Enter the bank deposit value in the Cash Deposit field.

Click image to enlarge
Bank deposit window; shows the location of the Cash Deposit field.
Image 6: Cash Deposit Field

Completing the Bank Deposit

After you fill in all the deposit fields for this deposit, Update the Status field to Completed and Click Save & Close.

Click image to enlarge
Bank Deposit window; shows the Status field set to completed.
Image 7: Completed Status

Your bank deposit is complete.

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