Using Allegion RFQ

How to: Use Allegion RFQ (Request for Quote) feature.

Environment: Comsense Advantage

In this article:

  1. Understanding the Allegion RFQ Feature
  2. Sending the RFQ
  3. Applying the Quote
  4. Receiving a Bad Request

Understanding the Allegion RFQ Feature

Allegion RFQ feature sends a request for quote directly from your estimating project to Allegion using EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). The Allegion RFQ feature makes submitting an RFQ faster and easier. The Allegion RFQ feature is only available in Estimating and must be set up by the Comsense support team. Contact Support to set up the Allegion RFQ feature.

Sending the RFQ

In the Pricing window:

  1. Click Create EDI
    • Table icon with an arrow underneath
Click image to enlarge
Pricing window; shows the location of the Create EDI button.
Image 1: Create EDI Button

In the Comsense EDI window:

  1. Select the products for the RFQ Using the Selection Tool
Click image to enlarge
Comsense EDI window; shows the location of the Add All button.
Image 2: Comsense EDI Window
  1. Click Next
    • The Estimating EDI window will open and create the RFQ
Click image to enlarge
Estimating EDI window.
Image 3: Estimating EDI Window

In the Comsense To Allegion:

  1. Enter any applicable notes for Allegion
  2. Add any attachments
    • E.g. Hardware schedule or specifications
  3. Click Send
    • The RFQ may take a minute to send and the Status field will update when complete
  4. Confirm there are no errors
    • The RFQ successfully sent if the status says "No data was returned from Allegion. Estimating EDI file was created. Please check above for errors or warnings."
Click image to enlarge
Comsense To Allegion window; shows the successful RFQ status.
Image 4: Successful RFQ Status
  1. Click Close

The RFQ was sent to Allegion and you will receive an email after the RFQ is processed.

Applying the Quote

After Allegion notifies you that the quote is complete, process the quote in the Pricing window.

In the Pricing window:

  1. Click Process EDI
    • Table icon with an arrow above
Click image to enlarge
Pricing window; shows the Process EDI button.
Image 5: Process EDI Button

In the Processing EDI File window:

  1. Click OK
    • The EDI takes a minute to process
Click image to enlarge
Processing EDI window
Image 6: Processing EDI Window
  1. Click Save
Click image to enlarge
Pricing window; shows the new Manufacturers Quote Reference column and the Discount String column.
Image 7: Mfgr's Quote Reference Column & Discount String Column

The Pricing window now has an Mfgr's Quote Reference column and the quoted discounts are in the Disc String column.

Receiving a Bad Request

Comsense limits one RFQ per estimating project. The RFQ limit prevents Allegion from receiving duplicate requests. When a request has already been sent, the Status field says "Bad Request, This project has already been submitted for quoting. Cannot submit again."

Click image to enlarge
Comesense to Allegion window; shows the Bad Request status.
Image 8: Bad Request Status
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