Adding Opening Numbers to Sales Order Line Items

How to: Add opening numbers to sales order line items.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

Creating a Sales Order

You can only add opening numbers using the Maintain Openings feature on a new sales order. If your sales order has been saved, Delete the sales order and Create a New Sales Order. If the sales order contains more than 6 openings, we recommend creating a project. For more criteria on using a sales order vs project, Review When Should I use a Sales Order with Openings vs a Project.

Adding Opening Numbers Using Maintain Openings

Only use the Maintain Openings function to assign opening numbers if all the line items require an opening number. The Maintain Openings function requires you to assign each product line item to an opening before saving. If only select line items require assignment, Add Opening Numbers Using Notes.

Adding Opening Numbers

In the Sales Order window:

  1. Check the Maintain Openings checkbox
Click image to enlarge
Sales Order window; shows the location of the Maintain Openings checkbox.
Image 1: Maintain Openings Checkbox
  1. Click the Openings tab
Click image to enlarge
Sales Order window; shows the location of the Openings tab.
Image 2: Openings Tab

In the fillable line item:

  1. Enter the opening:
    1. Number
    2. Information
  2. Add a new line item for each opening
Click image to enlarge
Sales Order window, Openings tab; shows examples of opening number line items.
Image 3: Opening Number Line Items

The sales order now has opening numbers.

Assigning the Product to Opening Numbers

The products must be in the Products tab before assigning the opening numbers.

In the Sales Order window:

  1. Click the Products tab
Click image to enlarge
Sales Order window; shows the location of the Products tab.
Image 4: Products Tab

In the Products tab:

  1. Right-click the product line item
  2. Click Openings
Click image to enlarge
Sales Order window, Products tab; shows the line item right-click menu and the location of Openings.
Image 5: Product Line Item Right-Click Menu

In the Openings window:

  1. Select the appropriate opening number from the Opening Number drop-down list
Click image to enlarge
Openings window; shows the Opening Number field drop-down list.
Image 6: Opening Number Drop-Down List
  1. Enter the quantity
  2. Repeat steps 4-5 in the fillable line item for any additional opening assignments
Click image to enlarge
Openings window; shows an example of an additional opening number assignment.
Image 7: Additional Opening Number
  1. Click OK

The products are now assigned to opening numbers.

Adding Opening Numbers Using Notes

Using notes you can assign opening numbers to select line items. On the product line item, Enter the opening number in the Note field.

Click image to enlarge
Sales Order window; shows an example of opening numbers in the Notes field.
Image 8: Notes Field

Generating a Report with Visible Opening Numbers or Notes

In the Generate Report window, Check the Show Line Item Notes or Show Openings checkbox in the Parameters pane.

Click image to enlarge
Generate Report window; shows the location of the Show Line Item Notes checkbox and Show Openings checkbox.
Image 9: Show Line Item Notes Checkbox & Show Openings Checkbox

Viewing Opening Numbers on the Sales Orders

The opening numbers and notes display under each product line item on the sales order.

Click image to enlarge
Sales_order Openings.png
Image 10: Sales Order with Opening Numbers
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