How to: Navigate Comsense's new Learning Management System (LMS), Comsense Academy.
Environment: Absorb
In this article:
About Absorb & Comsense Academy
Absorb is the LMS platform that hosts Comsense Academy. Comsense Academy provides users with:
- Brief how-to courses
- Complete curriculums made up of multiple courses
- E.g. Initial Set-Up
- Courses that complement the help center
Comsense Academy is for all customers including new customers during implementation and veteran customers looking for a refresher course. Access to Comsense Academy is available to all Comsense customers at no extra cost. See our growing list of courses in the Comsense Academy Course Directory.
The goal of Comsense Academy is to supplement training from implementers, help from support, and articles from the help center. The courses are designed to provide information that is applicable to all users, however, each company using Comsense is unique and may require additional instruction. Always address any company-specific needs with your implementer or support.
Accessing Comsense Academy
After you Enroll in Comsense Academy, Log in at

Navigating the Comsense Academy Dashboard
Successful login brings you to the Comsense Academy dashboard. Each tile navigates to our courses or various resources.
Top Row Tiles
The top row of dashboard tiles include:
- Resume
- Opens your most recently accessed course or curriculum
- My Courses
- Opens a list of all courses or curriculums you are enrolled in
- Catalog
- Opens the catalog of all of our courses and curriculums

Bottom Row Tiles
The bottom row of dashboard tiles include:
- Help Center
- Links to our help center
- Release Notes
- Links directly to our most recent release notes article
- Resources
- Lists all downloads and links from our courses
- Answers frequently asked questions for our LMS

Search Bar
Search all contents of Comsense Academy using the search bar in the top ribbon.

The search bar brings up any resources, content (including specific videos or course objects), and courses that contain your search text. In the search results you can:
- Open resources
- Launch content (from courses)
- Enroll or resume courses or curriculums

Recommended Courses
A ribbon of recommended courses is below the bottom tiles. The recommendations are based on your last completed course. The ribbon does not display if you have not completed a course.

Using Absorb's Navigation Tools
My Courses, Catalog, Search Results, and Resources have navigation tools to customize the page display and navigation and to filter courses and curriculums.
Refine Filter
The Refine Filter tool is in My Courses, Catalog, Search Results, and Resources. The filter options are different on each page. Use the Refine Filter tool to add filter criteria to your search. To access the filters, Click the Refine Filter button and Apply filters accordingly.

Show Categories
Show categories is a navigation tool for Catalog and Resources. When categories show, you must click through the categories to access certain courses or resources. Admins assign categories in the backend corresponding with the course curriculum. Comsense Academy automatically uses categories for Catalog and Resources. The images below show the path to access a group of courses by category.

Hiding Categories
Hiding categories removes the category folders and lists all the page's content in alphabetical order. To hide categories, Click the Refine Filter button and Toggle off Show Categories.

Choose View
The Choose View tool is in My Courses, Catalog, Search Results, and Resouces as well as in courses and curriculums. Not all view types are available on each page. The view types include:
Card View

Detail View

List View

Calendar View
Calendar view only shows scheduled in-person or online classes.

Choosing your View
To update the view, Click the Choose View button and Select the desired view.

Sort Preference
My Courses, Catalog, and Resources have a sort preference field. The Sort Preference field is at the top right of the page. To update your sort preference, Select an option from the Sort Preference field drop-down list.

Viewing Course or Curriculum Details
All available courses are on the Catalog page. To view the details of a course before enrolling, Click the Course Title and the course content overview will open.

Enrolling in a Course or Curriculum
To enroll in a course, Click Enroll on the desired course.

You can access your courses on the My Courses page, the Catalog page, or in the applicable curriculum. To start a course, Click Start.

Navigating Curriculums
Curriculums are a curated list of courses that achieve a specific goal. Always complete curriculum courses in order to correctly complete the curriculum. Courses in a curriculum are organized in groups. A curriculum page lists all the courses in order by group.
Click the Course Title to review the course content without enrolling in the course.

To enroll in a curriculum's course, Click Enroll in the course content window or on the course line item on the curriculum page.

Stand-alone courses and courses accessed through a curriculum function the same.
Navigating a Course
The top of the course content tab is the course description.

Below the course description is a list of all the chapters and their completion status.

Resources for a course are accessible on the right pane under Resources or in the Resources tab. Resources include import templates or related articles from our help center.
Click the Resource Title or the Open button to access the resource. Files automatically download to your computer and websites open in a new tab.

Starting a Chapter
To start a chapter in the course, Click Start and the content will open.

To start the video, Click the Play button.

Video Functions
Comsense Academy has mainly video content. The video player has functions to assist your learning and access to the videos.
Closed Captions
Each video begins with closed captions by default. To turn off closed captions, Click the CC button and Select Captions Off.

Video Transcriptions
Each video has timed transcriptions. To view the transcription, Click the Lesson Content button in the bottom right corner and the Transcription pane will open on the right side of the video.

To move to a specific part of the video, Click the Transcription Line and the seek bar will jump to that part of the video.

Completing a Video
After completing a video, you can start the next activity or close the activity and resume later.
To start the next course content, Click Next Activity.

To go back to the Course page, Click Close Activity.

Resuming a Course
To resume your last open course, Click Resume on the dashboard.

To resume any course, Click My Courses and Click Resume on the appropriate course.

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