Deleting a Project with Sourcing

How to: Delete a project with sourcing.

Environment: Comsense Advantage & Enterprise

In this article:

Understanding Projects with Sourcing

You cannot delete projects with sourcing because any sourced product has associated transactions that remain in the system. To "delete" a project after sourcing, you must complete the project. Completing an incomplete project requires specific steps because a project must Meet all project requirements to be completed. The two most common issues for completing an incomplete project are the sourced product and the invoice balance.

Unsourcing the Product

You must handle the sourced product appropriately so it is no longer associated with the project. To dissociate sourced product from a project, Unsource all the sourced product and Complete any pool to stock, pool to garbage, or supplier returns and Update the transaction statuses to Deleted e.g. stock requisitions, work orders, or purchase orders etc. 

*Note: You cannot delete completed transactions.

Updating the Invoice Balance

The invoice balance must be $0.00 to complete a project. Fully complete projects result in a $0.00 invoice because the transaction payments and invoice balance equal a net $0.00. To update the invoice balance for the project, Create a Change Order to update the project total.

Creating a New Change Order

In the Complete window:

  1. Open your project
  2. Click Change Order
Click image to enlarge
Complete window; shows the location of the Change Order Button.
Image 1: Change Order Button
  1. Click New
Click image to enlarge
Select a Change Order window; shows the location of the New button.
Image 2: New Button

In the Create a new Change Order window:

  1. Enter the change order description
Click image to enlarge
Create a new Change Order window; shows a description example.
Image 3: Change Order Description
  1. Click OK

*Note: Do not mark the change order as internal. Only use internal change orders where the contract total remains the same.

In the Select a Change Order window:

  1. Highlight the new change order
Click image to enlarge
Select a Change Order window; shows the new change order highlighted.
Image 4: New Change Order
  1. Click OK

Importing the Original Openings

In the Complete window top toolbar:

  1. Click Find Original
    • The icon of binoculars with an arrow
Click image to enlarge
Change Order window; shows the location of the Find Original button.
Image 5: Find Original Icon

In the Detailing Filter window:

  1. Input each opening by the product or opening
Click image to enlarge
Detailing Filter window; shows a list of all openings in the Opening pane.
Image 6: Opening Reference Column
  1. Select each line item
    1. Using Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click
Click image to enlarge
Detailing Filter window; shows all line items highlighthed.
Image 7: All Openings Selected
  1. Click OK

In the Select Openings window:

  1. Click Select All
Click image to enlarge
Select Openings for Change Order window; shows the location of the Select All button.
Image 8: Select All Button
  1. Click OK

The openings will load in the change order. The opening import may take a minute.

Updating the Opening Quantities

In the Qty column, Update all opening quantities to 0 and Click Save & Close.

Click image to enlarge
Change Order window; shows the opening quantities at 0 for all opening line items.
Image 9: Quantity Column

Running Pricing

Reviewing Base Project Pricing

In the Pricing window:

  1. Open your project

In the Change Order list window:

  1. Select base project
  2. Click OK
  3. Note the project pricing from the Project Pricing tab
    • This includes cost group totals, detailed markup, and contract amount totals
Click image to enlarge
Pricing window; shows the detailed mark up amounts, contract amounts, and contract total from the base project.
Image 10: Base Project Pricing

Running Change Order Pricing

In the Pricing window:

  1. Open your project

In the Change Order list window:

  1. Select the change order
  2. Click OK

In the Miscellaneous tab:

  1. Add all miscellaneous costs at a 0.00 value
Click image to enlarge
Miscellaneous Cost Entry; shows $0.00 in the cost field.
Image 11: $0.00 Miscellaneous Cost 

In the Contract Amount column:

  1. Enter the base project's contract amount as a negative value for all cost groups and miscellaneous costs 
Click image to enlarge
Pricing window, Project Pricing tab; shows the Contract amount fields complete with negative values.
Image 12: Contract Amount Column

If the change order contract total (negative value) does not match the base project's contract total (positive value), Review the contract amount totals for any mistakes.

Selling the Change Order

Once your change order and base project pricing balance to a net $0.00, Sell the change order.

Completing the Project

After unsourcing the sourced product and updating the project to a $0.00 contract amount, you can Complete the $0.00 project.

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