Error #10060 for Catalog & Image Updates

Issue: You cannot complete catalog and image updates because of error #10060. The error message says "Error #10060 - The connection has been dropped because of a network failure or because the peer system failed to respond. Also caused when Connect, Send, Receive, Fill, or Close methods are used with a timeout parameter and the operation fails to complete within the specified number of milliseconds.: Communication with the FTP server failed. Please verify your internet connection."

Click image to enlarge
Catog and image update error message window.
Image 1: Error #10060

Environment: Comsense Advantage & Windows Firewall

Resolution: With a member of your IT team, Enable server access to the FTP.

Explanation: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol that transfers computer files from one server to another server. Your server must have access to the FTP to complete an update because Comsense uses the FTP to transfer the updated catalog and image files.

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