How to: Build managed products from a product import list.
Environment: Comsense Enterprise (Version and later)
Security Requirements:
- Inventory/Purchasing
- Managed Product Management
- Open Managed Product Management
- Save Managed Product Management
- Open Product Import List
- Save Product Import List
- Managed Product Management
In this article:
About Product Import Lists
The product import list allows you to import an Excel file of managed products to the Product Import window. The product import list allows you to track the product-building progress in Comsense but does not create the managed product automatically. All imported data is string data that Comsense does not recognize. This feature helps with migration from an existing ERP software to Comsense.
Create a Product List Excel File
Generate a Template File
- In the Managed Product Management window, click Actions.
- Click Product Import List.

- In the Product Import List window, click Create Template File.

- In the File Explorer window, save the product template file.
Now, Product data can be added to the template file.
Add Product Data to the Template File
In the Excel file, Add your existing product data into the six columns. Include any important information in the Notes column such as net cost or sell price.

Tip: Add the existing product list data to the same excel sheet and use excel formulas to auto-populate the columns e.g.=I2. See Microsoft's article Overview of formulas in Excel for more information on excel formulas.
Note: If you add data using the existing product list and Excel formulas, do not delete the existing list data from the Excel sheet after adding the formulas.
Import the Product List File
- In the Product Import List window, click Import.

- In the File Explorer window, select the product list excel file.
- Click Open.

The product list Excel file is now imported.
Build Products with the Import List
All imported data is string data that Comsense does not recognize. You must build each product as a managed product using the import data as a reference. After building a managed product, the Managed Product field populates with the new managed product. There are three ways to build a managed product in the Product Import window:
Build Manually from the Import List
To build a managed product from the import list, you must enter all the product details manually.
- In the Product Import window, select the product type from the Add field drop-down list.

- In the Product Worksheet window, enter the product details.
- Click OK.
- The Managed Product field will populate

- Click Save.
You have created a new managed product.
Build from the Product Above
If you are building products with the same details but different catalog options or attributes, you can create a new product by copying the product above and modifying the product.
Tip: Click one of the column headers to sort similar products in sequence.
Note: Do not add New From Previous while filtering. Comsense always uses the line item above from the whole dataset rather than the filtered dataset.
- In the Product Import window, select New From Previous from the Add field drop-down list.

- In the Product Worksheet window, update the different attributes or options.
- Click OK.
- The Managed Product field will populate.

- Click Save.
You have created a new managed product.
Build from an Existing Product
If a product is already in the system, you can link the product import to the existing managed product using the product code or searching the product.
Product Code
- In the Product Import window, enter the product code in the Enter Product Code field.

- Press Tab.
- The Managed Product field will populate

- Click Save.
The managed product is now associated with the Product Import line item.
Product Search
In case product code is not known, you can search for the product from the Managed Product column.
- In the Managed Product field, click the Managed Product button.

Note: the Find Managed Product window auto-filters the window using the first word from the product description.
- In the Find Managed Product window, Filter the managed product.
- Select the product.
- Click Open.
- The Managed Product field will populate

- Click Save.
The managed product is now associated with the Product Import line item.
Clear the Product
In case an incorrect product is created, Click X and the managed product field will clear.

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