Setting Up the User Email Client

How To: Set the Email Client for your user profile

Environment: Advantage (ver. or later)


  1. Open the User Preferences window from the Tools Menu in Advantage.
    Click image to enlarge
    Advantage Main window; Shows the location of the User Preferences menu item.
  2. Select the Email tab.
    Click image to enlarge
    User Preference window; Shows location of the Email tab
  3. Using the Email Client drop-down list, Select the email client you will be using.
    *Note: The list of available clients is configured by your system administrator.
    Click image to enlarge
    User Preference window; Shows location of the Email Client drop-down list.
    1. If using Outlook or MAPI, continue to step 6.
    2. If using Office 365 (or other Microsoft Account), or Gmail Continue to step 4.
  4. Enter your email address in the Email Username field.
    *Note: This field must be a complete email address.
    Click image to enlarge
    User Preference window; Shows location of the Email Username field.
  5. Enter your email signature. (Optional)
    *Note: This is a plain text signature only, and does not support images or formatting.
    *Note: Do Not Enter a signature if you are using Outlook, or MAPI email clients.
    1. Click on the Editor button.
      Click image to enlarge
      User Preference window; Shows location of the signature editor button.
    2. Enter your email signature.
      Click image to enlarge
      Signature Editor window.
    3. Click OK.
  6. Check the BCC Sender box, if you wish to have your email address automatically added to the BCC list.
    Click image to enlarge
    User Preference window; Shows location of the BCC Sender checkbox.
  7. Click OK.
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