Handling the Colorado Retail Delivery Fee in Comsense
To handle the Colorado Retail Delivery Fee in Comsense there are 2 methods that can be used. To implement the correct method for your company you'll need to decide how to interpret the term 'Sale' in the new legislation. Method 1 is used if the term "Sale" is interpreted to mean "Order". Method 2 is used if the term "Sale" is interpreted to mean "Invoice".
Method 1: Once per Order/Project
- Set up a new sales tax with the following details.
- Description: Retail Delivery Fee
- Tax Rate: 100%
- State: CO
- Max Taxable Amount: $0.27
- Max Taxable Basis: By Order
- Basis: On Sell
Click image to enlarge - Add the Sales Tax to the Applicable Shipping Address.
Click image to enlarge - While running the first Invoice against the Sales Order/Project, the system will automatically add the Retail Delivery Fee, and cap the value at $0.27.
Click image to enlarge
Note: Subsequent invoices against the same Sales Order/Project will not be charged the $0.27 Fee.
Click image to enlarge
Method 2: Once per Invoice
- Set up a new sales tax with the following details.
- Description: Retail Delivery Fee
- Tax Rate: 100%
- State: CO
- Max Taxable Amount: $0.27
- Max Taxable Basis: Flat Fee
- Basis: On Sell
Click image to enlarge - Add the Sales Tax to the Applicable Shipping Address.
Click image to enlarge - While running the Invoice against the Sales Order/Project, the system will automatically add the Retail Delivery Fee, and cap the value at $0.27.
Click image to enlarge
Note: Subsequent invoices against the same Sales Order/Project will also be charged the $0.27 Fee.
Click image to enlarge
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