Feature: Orders Management Wizard
Environment: Comsense Enterprise v.
Function: The Orders Management Wizard sets the parameters for the orders listed in the Orders Management window. Always refine your search criteria as much as possible to avoid performance issues across the system.
Purpose: The Orders Management Wizard allows you to pull a customized list of orders and/or projects using specific criteria rather than pulling a list of orders for one customer at a time. The customized list can be used for review purposes or exported to excel for concise reporting.
*note: To reproduce the data-pull from the former Orders Management Window, see Filtering All Orders from a Customer Using the Orders Management Wizard.
How it works:
Step 1
Step 1, the Order Type/Status/Division Selection page, allows you to refine the orders list by:
- Order type
- Status
- Division
- Created date range
- Required date range

Step 2
Step 2, the Customer Selection page, allows you to further refine the parameters from step 1 by customer.

Step 3
Step 3, the Project Managers/Sales Selection page, allows you to further refine the parameters from step 1 and step 2 by:
- Project manager
- Inside sales
- Outside sales

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