Orders Management Window Update

Update: Scope and functions of the Orders Management window.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise v.

Function: The Orders Management window lists all sales orders, quotes, or projects that meet the criteria selected in the Orders Management Wizard. From the Orders Management window, you can:

  • Filter the list by criteria such as open orders for a sales associate or balance to invoice
  • View the line items of the selected sales order or quote
  • Open any sales order, quote, or project in the Order Management window
  • Open any sales order or quote

Purpose: The updates to the function of the Orders Management window optimizes streamlines your work and the use of Quality Control Notes

What's new: 

Scope of the Listed Orders

The Orders Management Wizard allows you to broaden or narrow the list of orders in the Orders Management window. To reproduce the data-pull from the former Orders Management window, see Filtering All Orders from a Customer using the Orders Management Wizard. Customer information now displays on the order line item rather than above the Order pane because the orders are no longer restricted to a single customer. Within the Orders Management window you can use the filter line to further refine the list.

Filtering the Orders Management List

Filter fields now include:

  • Customer Name
  • Customer Address
  • Available credit
  • Last invoice date
  • Quality Control Notes

In the filter line item, Enter the filter criteria. The orders list will filter all orders with the specified criteria.

Click image to enlarge
Orders Management window; shows the orders list filtered by status and outside sales.
Image 1: Orders Filtered by Status & Outside Sales

Opening the Sales Order or Quote Window

*Note: You cannot open a project from the Orders Management window.

You can now open a Sales Order or Quote window from the Orders Management window. This function facilitate order updates from the Orders Management window e.g. updating the QC note field.

On the order line item, Click the Open Order button. The Sales Order or Quote window will open.

Click image to enlarge
Orders Management window; shows the location of the Open Order button.
Image 2: Open Order Button
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