Creating a Purchase Order

How to: Create a Purchase Order.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise Navigation menu; shows location of purchase order.
Image 1: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu


Creating a New Purchase Order

In the Purchase Order window top toolbar:

  1. Click New
Click image to enlarge
Purchase Order window; shows location of the new purchase order icon.
Image 2: Purchase Order Top Toolbar
  1. Search supplier either by:
    1. Supplier Code
      • Enter Supplier Code and Press Tab
    2. Supplier information
      • Click the Magnifying Glass icon and Search using supplier information

Remit To is your payment account for this purchase order. The Remit To field will populate if it is preselected in the supplier system options. If the Remit To field is empty or requires updating for this purchase order:

  1. Search and Select the Remit To supplier using the method in step 2
  2. Select Warehouse
Click image to enlarge
Purchase Order window; shows location of warehouse drown-down menu.
Image 3: Warehouse Drop-Down Menu

You are now ready to add product to your purchase order.

Adding Product to the Purchase Order

In the Products tab:

  1. Right-click the empty pane 
  2.  Select Add Purchase Order Line Item
    • The Managed Product window will open
Click image to enlarge
Purchase Order window; shows the product tab's right-click menu.
Image 4: Products Right-Click Menu

In the top pane of the Managed Product window:

  1. Search and Select the appropriate product
  2. Click Add
    • The product will move to the bottom pane
Click image to enlarge
Managed Product window; shows product selection and add button.
Image 5: Managed Products Window
  1. Click OK

You are now ready to release your purchase order.

Releasing the Purchase Order

A release against a purchase order is an authorization for the purchase and billing. You must release your purchase order before creating a payable for the items.

In the status field of the Purchase Order window:

  1. Select Released
    • The Purchase Order # field will populate
Click image to enlarge
Purchase Order window; shows Released status and purchase order number.
Image 6: Purchase Order # & Status Fields
  1. Click Save

If you need to export your purchase order report:

  1. Click Print
    • The Generate Report window will open
  2. Select your export method

Your purchase order is released.

Prepaying the Purchase Order

To prepay your purchase order via credit card or deposit, you must Create a prepaid payable.

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