How to: Creating a payable for a credit card statement balance.
Environment: Comsense Enterprise
In this article:
- Preparing for the Payment
- Accessing Payable
- Processing a New Payable
- Entering Credit Card Categories
Preparing for the Payment
Before creating a payable for a credit card statement balance:
- Review the credit card statement
- Separate any purchases already accounted for
- Categorize the remaining purchases into accounts.
Never include any supplier purchases already accounted for by another payable i.e. any Supplier Purchases on a Credit Card. Only include the remaining credit card purchases.
Accessing Payable
Enterprise > Payables > Payable

Processing a New Payable
In the Payable window top toolbar:
- Click New
- Select Miscellaneous

- Fill in the payable fields using Table 1
Click here to expand Table 1
Payable Field | Requirements |
Supplier | Credit card company |
Remit To | Credit card company |
Invoice Number | If there is no invoice number, use an obvious number e.g. the date of credit card statement |
Invoice Amount | The credit card statement balance less any purchases already accounted for |
Invoice Date | Date of the credit card statement |

You are now ready to enter your credit card categories.
Entering Credit Card Categories
Under the Manual Distribution tab in the fillable line item:
- Select the appropriate:
- Division
- Account
- Search and Select the account using the Search Account button next to the Account column
- Order #
- Cost group

Under the Amount column:
- Enter the credit card statement amount for each account category
- Balance to Distribute will update to 0.00
- Click Release icon
Your credit card statement payable is now ready for a check run.
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