Creating a Payable for a Credit Card Statement Balance

How to: Creating a payable for a credit card statement balance.

Environment: Comsense Enterprise

In this article:

  1. Preparing for the Payment
  2. Accessing Payable
  3. Processing a New Payable
  4. Entering Credit Card Categories

Preparing for the Payment

Before creating a payable for a credit card statement balance:

  • Review the credit card statement
  • Separate any purchases already accounted for
  • Categorize the remaining purchases into accounts.

Never include any supplier purchases already accounted for by another payable i.e. any Supplier Purchases on a Credit Card. Only include the remaining credit card purchases.

Accessing Payable

Enterprise > Payables > Payable

Click image to enlarge
Enterprise left-hand navigation menu showing the location of payables.
Image 1: Enterprise Left-Hand Navigation Menu

Processing a New Payable

In the Payable window top toolbar:

  1. Click New
  2. Select Miscellaneous
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; displays location to select new payable for miscellaneous.
Image 2: New Payable Drop-Down Menu
  1. Fill in the payable fields using Table 1
Click here to expand Table 1
Table 1: Payable Field Requirements
Payable Field Requirements
Supplier Credit card company
Remit To Credit card company
Invoice Number If there is no invoice number, use an obvious number e.g. the date of credit card statement
Invoice Amount The credit card statement balance less any purchases already accounted for
Invoice Date Date of the credit card statement
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the supplier field, Remit To field, Invoice Number field, and Invoice Date field.
Image 3: Payable Information Fields

You are now ready to enter your credit card categories.

Entering Credit Card Categories

Under the Manual Distribution tab in the fillable line item:

  1. Select the appropriate:
    1. Division
    2. Account
      • Search and Select the account using the Search Account button next to the Account column
    3. Order #
    4. Cost group
Click image to enlarge
Payable window; shows the location of Order Number field and Cost Group field on the line item.
Image 4: Manual Account Distribution Line Item Information

Under the Amount column:

  1. Enter the credit card statement amount for each account category
    • Balance to Distribute will update to 0.00
  2. Click Release icon

Your credit card statement payable is now ready for a check run

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